Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Recentannouncements from Sigma have made a lot of portrait and landscape photographers very happy- the question is, can theSigma 85mm f/1.4 DG HSM Artand theSigma 12-24mmf/4DG HSM Artreplacethe current favorites from Canon and Nikon? The Sigma Art series primelensesare steadily taking over theentire range of focal lengths. With the recent announcements, Art primes now cover […]

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One of the challenges (and rewards) of managing a digital production lab for a university research library is working with the wide assortment of analog formats that are collected within its archives, special collections, and map library holdings. For instance, we’ve recently begun conversion work on a 2002 aerial survey of Connecticut that was originally […]

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This is a story about my portfolio that went missing for 30 years. I made this collection of photographs while working as a photographer at the Goldstream Gazette, a weekly newspaper on Vancouver Island from 1976 to 1978. Although I have had my portfolio back for sometime now, I thought I would share this story […]

The post I lost my portfolio and was reunited with it 30 years later... more

Look at the photograph below. What an unreal, alien animal! It could be right out of one of the many upcoming Star Wars sequels. You just don’t see creatures like that in your everyday life. It’s a sea slug (to be scientifically precise: Nembrotha Kubayana) which I photographed 20 meters underwater on a reef in the Philippines. The head of the slug is only about a centimeter across, so the image is quite a close-up (macro photograph).

If it doesn’t sound easy... more

I just got back from Batanes as part of a large group of bloggers and other media people who were there to try out the photography features of the Asus Zenfone 3 line of mobile phones, courtesy of Asus Philippines.I was there mainly as a resource person on shooting the Milky Way, and I was […]

The post Shooting the Milky Way With a Mobile Phone appeared first on... more

Control decks have only just recently started to become popular with photographers. They’ve been an integral part of video editing & colour workflows for years, though. Now that the lines between stills and video cameras are a little blurred, the reach of these useful devices has expanded. Other devices like the Palette Gear, and BrushKnob […]

The post Loupedeck... more

Im a strong believer that setting yourself photo projects is the best way to improve your photography skills. Projects give you focus and help you build a cohesive body of work. A photo project can last for years, and set a theme that helps you find new people and subjects to photograph.

Of course, you may be wondering what sort of project you could set yourself that would achieve these... more

I entered few categories in this years British Army Photographic comp. This is the second time I have entered the annual phot comp in my four years as being a phot. I entered some of my stuffinto these categories-Portrait,Sport /Adventure Training,Soldiering,Telling a story Portfolio (4 photographs),Portfolio (6 photographs),Best Online Image voted by the public andOnline [...]

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In my home town, there’s a pair of sparrowhawks that regularly nest in one of the churches in the town centre. Foxes were a regular visitor to the back garden when I was a kid. Just yesterday, I almost stepped on a hedgehog in a friend’s garden. Wildlife is all around us. Sure, we might [...]

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The scene: Outdoors with full sunlight. The gear: Your camera, lens, and flash. The problem: You find that your flash only works at 1/200th or below so you need to be at f/16 or f/22 to get the shot. Everything is in focus, including all the cars and other distractions in thebackground. Those dust spots you keep meaning to clean are also perfectly visible. Why won’t it work with a higher shutter speed so you can have a wider aperture? Well, it’s all down to the issue of sync... more
