Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Photographs from a good family portrait session will be treasured for many years to come. Its an incredibly rewarding area of photography, but it can also be a little daunting for new photographers. You need to build a rapport with the family fast, keep the children on board, and meet the parents expectations with gorgeous photographs.

So where do you start? Which camera settings should you choose?

Here are some important pointers to make your first session go smoothly,... more

If there’s one “triumphant underdog” story that’s been popular this week, it’s this one. The footage from BBC’s Planet Earth 2 series of the young marine iguana escaping the snakes on the beach. If you haven’t seen it, don’t worry, I’ve embedded it below. Shot in the Galapagos Islands,it’s an incredible sequence of events, shot […]

The post... more

I use film for my fine art work because it inspires my imagination in ways that I don’t get from shooting digital. I have been shooting film since I was 15 years of age, after more 40 years of film usage I still feel that film has value in today’s digital world. Some back ground: […]

The post Why this photojournalist still shoots film appeared first on... more

Last year my friend Marsha invited me to this crazy Victorian mansion along with a small handful of awesome photographers and models to hang out and make some art … Obviously I said, “heck yesss.”The house was a gold mine of strange colorful rooms full of interesting wall paper, decorative trimmings, and some gorgeous natural […]

The post 10 steps to creating an indoor jungle... more

Going out of the visible light spectrum isn’t something most photographers think to try. But for a select few, seeing the invisible has become an integral part of their photography. Infrared conversions are common for DSLRs these days, and prices have come down greatly. What’s not seen so often, though, is UV photography. Mathieu Stern […]

The post Watch these 10 fruits chopped up... more

You’re not really getting to test out those bodies and lenses, of course, but it’s an evolution of the simulators already availableon the web. They lets users see the different field of view at different focal lengths on different sized sensors. The simulators also allow you to see some real-time feedback on how the settings […]

The post Canon’s new VR... more

You’ve have heard of reflections in photography, but have you have tried refraction? When used well, refraction creates compelling images that will leave your audience both wowed and curious. I’ve been approached many times by strangers who are curious about how I photograph with a glass ball. Once you’ve mastered this type of photograph you’ll likely get the same audience. Here are some tips to help you do crystal ball refraction photography.

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Destruction is always entertaining, but sometimes it’s useful, too. It can show us how things work on the inside. Cutting cameras and lenses in half is commonplace for manufacturers. You see them at all the shows in glass display cases. Cameras cut in half so the curious public can see exactly what is contained within […]

The post What an SLR being cut in half by a 60,000psi... more

It's amazing how many people never look up. The skies can be many things to a photographer - a backdrop, a light source, a diffuser. Sometimes just a nice source of teal for your orange foreground. When you decide to use the skies for your subject, especially the night skies, the very first thing you are going to notice is the moon.

There are some very beautiful objects in the night sky, and the thrill of using the camera to see what your eyes can't see is enormously... more

Lately, I started to do some research about becoming a better writer. Apparently a lot of the suggestions that I read also translate into photography and probably a lot more creative professions. Thinking outside the box is always advised to get some new kind of input and reading tips about photography written by photographers all […]

The post Writers block and street photography appeared... more
