Photography Blogs & Tutorials

If you were to ask me about a specific time in my life when photography made a significant impact it wouldve been fall of 2011. For my birthday, my husband surprised me by taking me out for lunch at a tiny burger dive, and then stopping in at the local art museum. Hes not exactly […]

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We all imagine our favorite celebrities in a certain way. But what we see is the picture they create for the public, and its perfectly normal. But a Shutterstock staff photographer Andrew H. Walker reveals the different sides of their personalities. He created a series of double portraits which show that our favorite celebrities may […]

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  creting 360 videos involves lots of complicated settings, multiple memory cards, and you can’t go without stitching software. But the Sphere Pro lens is about to change it. Thanks to this lens, if you want to shoot full-spherical video, all you need to do is attach the lens onto your camera and start shooting. […]

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All the users of Fuji mirrorless cameras, you may soon get your hands on a new smart adapter. Fringerhas developed worlds first Fujifilm X mount – Contax N electronic adapter. It will give you autofocus and electronic aperture control on a mirrorless camera while using an N mount lens. The adapter is designed as a […]

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So your kit lens is rubbish, you know this for a certainty because numerous photo blogs and camera test sites have told you so. Its been confirmed repeatedly by a wide array of couch based photo experts on all the forums of great repute and finally the first shots you have taken with it seem […]

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If a Pelican hard case has been on your shopping list, this post-Christmas sale we spotted on Amazon might just be for you. Three of their popular cases are currently available on eBay at very substantial discounts. With almost halfknocked off the price on some combinations, depending on whether you want foam or padded dividers, […]

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No matter if you are a professional photographer or a hobbyist, Im sure your photos are important to you. Therefore, its essential to have a good backup system so you can avoid any situation that may result in losing them all. David Bergman suggests an effective 3-2-1 backup system. It will protect your images from […]

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Yesterday I shared 15 of the most popular landscape photography articles of 2016, here on dPS.

Continuing on with the best of the last year, this one is all about the gear. Many photographers and teachers will advise you on learning the craft of photography before going nuts buying everything you can get your hands on (and possibly not afford even). But sometimes you just need new gear. So... more

I suppose it shouldn’t come as much surprise that drones have become the hot gift this year. There’s more drones on the market now than ever before. They range in price from $10 to thousands, and anybody can get hold of one. But, what surprises me is the number ofthem that seem to crash within […]

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After calibrating your monitor and profiling your printers, the next important step in colour accuracy is profiling your camera. There are several devices out there to let you do this, but there’s two main ones. One is the X-Rite ColorChecker (or Passport), and the other is the Datacolor SpyderCHECKR(reviewed here). I still use both systems, […]

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