Photography Blogs & Tutorials

  If you havent used color gels so far, in this video youll see some quick tips how to introduce color gels into your portrait work. Photographer Manny Ortiz gives you a suggestion of the setting, and also a quick tip how to make the best out of color gels. Manny uses two speedlights, one […]

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Photos from distant destinations can be wonderful and inspiring. But at the same time, watching them can be a bit depressing when you think you’ll never get to visit those destinations and make such gorgeous photos. This can even cause creative block and keep you from shooting for a while. But, we must not forget […]

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Even if youre not a wedding photographer or videographer, you may have had proposals to shoot a wedding. If you know how to use a camera, someones going to ask you to shoot their wedding sooner or later. And if you decide to accept, Rob Nelson gives you some useful advice how to make a […]

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Creating custom bokeh for lenses is something many of us try at some point. Even if it’s not something we’re ever going to do again, it’s fun to have a go at least once.We’ve mentioned the technique on the site a few times before. But, different lenses will render out of focus areas differently. The […]

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A young actor Troy Akin has created an interesting called ModelBs. It’s designed like Tinder, only this app is strictly business related. It serves to connect models and photographers in a safe and efficient way. Swipe left, swipe right, and find an ideal match – but in the photography or modeling business. The users of […]

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Earlier this week we shared some other popular articles from 2016. Check those out here:

To continue on with the best of, let’s take a look at portrait articles. Here are some of the... more

In Part 1 we looked at the potential issues and problems relating to kit lenses, now tis the time to turn our attention to the terrific upsides of owning and using the cheap as chips but under-rated kit lens, this section will be the shortest not because there are problems I want to skirt around […]

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The original Dogwood Photography 52 Week Challenge was a huge success, with tens of thousands of photographers participating from around the world. In celebration of those who have completed the first challenge, a new challenge is now here! The challenge for 2017 has a higher difficulty level than the original challenge. While this challenge is […]

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On Via Paolo Lomazzo, in Milan, sits an unassuming shopfront. On the window are the words “Riparazioni Macchine Fotografiche” (“Camera Repair”) printed in simple bold letters. This is the workshop of 76 year old Gian Luigi Carminati, a man who has spent his entire working life repairing cameras. Armed with little more than a set […]

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Brides Magazine is all about weddings, yet they don’t really seem to like wedding photographers. After they advised the brides not to feed their photographers, now they have another ingenious piece of advice. They say you should hire a professional photographer, but they consider pros only those who use Nikon or Canon. And only full […]

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