Photography Blogs & Tutorials

I guess this can be described as the universe’s biggest selfie… Over 4 years thePan-STARRS1 (The Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System) have been taking photos of the skies from its location on a desolated, dormant volcano in Maui, Hawaii.Those four years (and half a million exposures) of data collection resulted in a huge […]

The post The... more

Photography is an expensive hobby and an even more expensive profession. As a person who started photography as a young student, out of pure love and passion, I was not really able to afford everything I needed wanted for this hobby. To be honest, ten years later Im still unable to afford most of the […]

The post How being poor actually improves your photography appeared first on... more

The team at dPS including myself, all the writers, management, web guys, customer support, and everyone that makes dPS run – would all like to wish you a Happy New Year!

By Jeff Krause

We’re honored to provide you with quality photography articles, tips and tricks and informative review and tutorials each and every day.

Here’s to a new year full of education,... more

I had an interesting discussion in a photography group on Facebook some time ago. It started with my question about the 35mm prime lens, and somehow I ended up discussing zoom lenses with a member of the group. He said that, as an event photographer, he doesnt have the luxury of moving around and focusing […]

The post Prime lens in event photography limitation or... more

Here is why (I think) you shouldnt sell your files in bundles! Doing IPS (In Person Sales) does not mean that you cannot sell your files but it does mean you shouldnt be giving them away as a Shoot and burn photographer (S&B). And now some of the S&Bernes will object, they are not […]

The post 10 images for the price of none? appeared first on... more

With the Fourth of July right around the corner here in the United States, along with other summer celebrations around the world, photographers everywhere will be photographing fireworks over the next couple of months. Many will try, but how many will succeed? Fireworks photos, in my experience, are usually an all-or-nothing proposition. You either get […]

The post Our Best Tips for... more

The number of new drone owners I’ve seen showing off on social media the last few days is crazy. It’s obvious a lot have been given out over Christmas. While some new drone users have already hit a spot of bad luck, one thing many will have to do is register with the FAA. A […]

The post A complete walkthrough on registering your new Christmas drone with the... more

Colour wheels are fairly common to video editing applications. Lately, they seem to have started popping up in still image editing applications, too through the use of various plugins. With the line between photography and video becoming somewhat blurred over the last few years, it’s really not much of a surprise. Photographers are making the […]

The post Easy but... more

Now that you know more about your mechanics and attributes of your kit lens, the time has come to look at the creative use of the wee plastic beasty and well start with macro first, this is by far the longest of the three Kit LensMasterclass articles so grab a cold drinkand some snacks. Macro […]

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