Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Shooting video from a tripod isn’t always the easiest thing to do. They’re big, unwieldy, and while they serve a fantastic purpose, they’re not always fit for purpose. At sporting events, for example, it can often be difficult to turn quickly enough to follow fast action. For regular events where you’re mingling with other people, […]

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Have you ever thought what it would be like to use an app like Siri, but for photo editing? Judging from Adobes latest video, this might become reality. They are exploring what an intelligent digital assistant for photo editing might look like, and they presented their idea in this short video. The concept combines the […]

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Do you like traveling and taking travel photos? I know I do. ButElia and Naomi Locardibring travel photography to a new level. They are travelers, artists and photographers who chose an interesting path. They are not just travelers, they are nomads, and they call themselves location-independent. In other words, they don’t have a single location […]

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A while back I wrote an article that was quite popular: 10 photography tips to take your photography up a level. In this article, I bring you 10 extra tips from all aspects of photography. Enjoy!

#1 – What’s more than meets the eye?

Let me ask you something, what would you do?You meet someone attractive, you are head over heels, and then you start actually talking to... more

The Share Economyhas brought the world some pretty interesting business models. The likes of Uber and Airbnb have become a part of daily life now, for many people throughout the world. It’s not something that many people associate with photography gear rental, though. Typically one thinks of companies like LensRentals and BorrowLenses, who meticulously maintain […]

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Panoramio was an invaluable location scouting tool for me. I could zoom into an area I wanted to scout, and all these little blips would appear on the map. Each showing me the location from a different view. If I happened to notice a particular cluster in a given area, I could zoom in tighter, […]

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There is nothing like having your work displayed up on a wall for everyone to see. Even better, is seeing little round red stickers underneath to indicate that the work has been sold. For most artists, that is their driving forceand anyone who makes images that are intended for walls and display. However, where and how to go about having a photography exhibition can be harder than you think. It can also be a very expensive exercise.

This article will help answer a lot of the questions... more

We’ve shown a few overhead camera rigs here on DIYP. Some have beenquite simple using things you may already own. Others have been created from Open Source hardware. A few have been quite versatile, letting you quickly switch between vlogging & overhead setups.One thing many of them have in common, though, is that they’re not […]

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It probably goes without saying, but – professional lighting is expensive. If you are just starting out your filmmaking career, or youre simply a hobbyist, theres no need for spending thousands of dollars on professional light. You can do it on a budget with construction lights you can find at any Home Depot. In this […]

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CES 2017 may over, but the gear and technology announced over the weekend is still in the news. For Razer, though, CES 2017 appears to have been something of a bittersweet event. Let’s start with the good news. Razer introduced the world to Project Valerie, the world’s first triple 4K display laptop. And oh boy […]

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