Photography Blogs & Tutorials

I had a few hours to kill before work this morning. So I decided to head down to a public garden a few miles from my house. In the summer this place is full of colour, with roses growing everywhere, up trellises, along the walls, above your head. It’s an old Fort on the seafront, […]

The post Do photographers see what other people don’t? appeared first on... more

Its tempting to think you need a new piece of photography equipment to become more creative. While sometimes its true, (macro photography, for example, is much easier with a macro lens) creativity works best within restraints.

So, how do you become more creative without buying more gear? Here are some ideas to take you out of your comfort zone and give you new skills to master.

1. Find a new... more

I am aiming this week at those of you first getting into photography and looking for a budget friendly way of improving your photos! You see, this week I’m giving some love back to the age old concept of “The best camera is the one you have with you”. By that token, the best reflector […]

The post How a few pieces of paper helped me... more

Last August I bought the Canon 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM L-series lens for myself as a birthday gift. Since then its been in almost constant use as Ive photographed horses and wildlife in Arizona,... more

Ever done a shoot, and what you saw with your eye didn’t seem to translate to thecamera? It happens a lot! You see a majestic landscape, you take a photo on your camera, but when it pops up on the screen it just doesn’t capture the beauty. The same happens with fire when you use […]

The post How to add glow to sparks in Photoshop appeared first on... more

Normally when talking about digital blending, people will first think of exposure blending. That is correct, but it can do more than that. There is several situations where digital blending can be very handy. Not only can it help create a better photo, it also eases you in your shooting experience. In this article, I will share how I use a digital blending in Photoshop to create a much more interesting composition.

I took the photo above of Batu Cave in Malaysia. I chose to add... more

What’s the most useful camera gear you carry with you? This is the most common question asked of photographers. Many will say a tripod or perhaps a lens, but how many people would have answered a Smartphone? Well, I’m sure there were more than a few.

The moment I saw the potential of smart devices was years ago when traveling with a friend in Japan. He had just bought an iPod touch, and everywhere we went he could show people his photos. It formed a lasting impression, and... more

Do you take selfies or they annoy you? We have recently reported about a study that shows people are ready to accept selfies as a tool. But another study shows an interesting twist when it comes to selfies. It seems many people are willing to take them, yet not so many want to look at […]

The post The selfie paradox: people like taking selfies, but hate... more

Whats the camera you are looking forward to? Are you upgrading your gear this year? There were several exciting announcements of cameras we can expect in 2017. Zacuto ran a poll asking the users what is the most anticipated camera for them in 2017. They have published the list of top five most anticipated cameras, […]

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It’s about time to give some fame to two cheap films in price but by no means in quality. It can be tempting to go for the expensive ones when buying rolls but let’s not forget about the bottom of the shelf. The films you are going to read about have some serious advantages on […]

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