Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Jupiter wasa class of lens made by manufacturers of the former Soviet Union. There were quite a fewdifferentlenses in the Jupiter lineup, and in this set of videos from Mathieu Stern, we’re going to learn about four of them. A lot of people tend to ignore older lenses, but I picked up a Jupiter-9 85mm [...]

The post These cheap Soviet lenses are as out of this world as their... more

7 years ago, I received a little replica of an iconic Volkswagen minivan from my parents and it was love at first sight for the young 60’s obsessed teenager I was. It stood on my shelf for quite some years, but on a sunny Sunday of May, I took it out to the garden and [...]

The post Exploring this big wild world with my little cars appeared first on... more

Often times we occupy our processing time with thoughts of what can be added to our images in order to make them more impactful; more sharpness, contrast, or color. But, this may not always the best route to take. The old expression “Less is more” can be applied to many aspects of photography, and it is especially true when it comes to dealing with colors.

Desaturated images are becoming more and more popular, especially with nature, landscape, and street... more

While a follow up was already planned, after publishing the previous post and the subsequent, staggeringresponse generated in support, appreciation, comments, critique and criticism I felt the need to also address certain things as well as perhaps reiterate and underline certain points. I also want to fill certain spaces left over in the previous post. [...]

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How do you photograph something that is transparent or see through, like glass? See how these photographers did it with 28 images of glass subjects, then see if that gives you some ideas for this week’s challenge.

By designmilk

Weekly Photography Challenge –Glass

This should be... more

You may not have heard of British commercial photographer David Lund, but chances are you’ve probably seen his work. David’s worked with brands including Rolls Royce, Baileys, Revlon, and Kellogg’s to produce some of the fantastic photography and video we see in advertisements every day. David specialises in liquid &beverage photography and in this videohe’s [...]

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Glass is one of the trickiest subjects to photograph. Trying to avoid reflections, seeing through it, and distortion it causes. It can also help create some dramatic and stunning images.

In this image collection we see how several photographers have handled different kinds of glass subjects:

By Ana

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Some of you will recognise the name Keith Loutit. He’s the amazing timelapse photographer behind The Lion City, a film which really pushed the limits of of what we all thought timelapse could do, as well as the extremely popularBathtub series. An Australian filmmakerbased in Singapore, Keith now presents us withThe Lion City II – [...]

The post The timelapse bar has been... more

Unless we are an automotive photographer, getting access to fancy cars atthe environments in which we’d like to photograph them can be a tricky proposition. But what can we do with those images of cars we get on the street or at shows? In this video tutorial fromTutvid, photographerNathaniel Dodsonshows us how we can cut [...]

The post How to composite a car into a new background in... more

According to Nikon Japan, the Nikon D3300entry level DSLR has been discontinued (what Google translates as “old products”). That it’s listed as discontinued before an announcement for its replacement has been madecould potentially mean an end to the D3x00 line. It could, however, also mean that a D3500 announcement is imminent (assuming they’ll skip the [...]

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