Photography Blogs & Tutorials

The idea of using a lens from a “real camera” on a smartphone is not new. There have been a number of adapters announced over the years with some as far back as 2014 and older. Most of them haven’t really had an amazing reception, which is why they’re not really all that mainstream today. […]

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The post Split Lighting: A Portrait Photography Guide appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Kevin Landwer-Johan.

Looking to enhance the drama in your... more

The post Weekly Photography Challenge – Cold appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Sime.

Let’s revisit ‘Cold’ in a photograph.

Cold can be the lighting, it can be the scene, it... more

TV isn’t only for spending countless hours in front of it when you don’t feel like doing anything. Instead, you can turn it into a creative prop, and a pretty awesome one. Caleb Pike of DSLR Video Shooter will show you how to turn a TV, a monitor, or even a projector into a fantastic […]

The post How to turn your old... more

It may sound crazy, but by the end of 2022, I will have shot over 100 weddings. It was quite a tolling year, but I did not want to leave anyone who got their wedding delayed due to COVID without a photographer and… The floodgates opened. As a photographer who shoots so many weddings, I […]

The post I am shooting... more

AI-powered text-to-image generator, DALL-E, has been available to everyone for a while now. It’s absolutely amazing to play with, but from now on, it could become a part of other apps and find so many applications. OpenAI has now opened DALL-E’s API to everyone, meaning that developers can integrate the generator straight into their apps […]

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A close-up portrait of an American crocodile surrounded by luscious mangroves has won this year’s Mangrove Photographer of the Year Awards, run by the Mangrove Action Project. The image was captured by Tanya Houppermans in Cuba. The competition is now in its 8th year, and over 2,000 images were submitted from 68 countries. The images reveal […]

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The city I live in boasts 300 days of sunshine a year. Except on days when I have a photoshoot booked and need sunshine, it seems! So what to do when you’ve got a client and you want beautiful golden hour light, but the weather just won’t cooperate? You fake it of course! That’s the […]

The post How to... more

Wigglegrams are a fun thing to shoot and experiment with. For those who’ve never heard of them before, it’s essentially a sort of 3D photo, shooting an image with multiple lenses side-by-side next to each other and then turning them into an animated gif to help show some depth in the photo. You can even […]

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