Photography Blogs & Tutorials

As a photographer, I’m very grateful for the existence of phone cameras. However, when I go to concerts, I can’t get over the fact that so many people watch them through their teeny tiny displays. They not only miss the show, but they block the view for all of us behind them. While I received […]

The post Placebo asks fans... more

Cats are loved very much in Japan and it’s believed that they bring good luck. And when you take their photos in the funniest of moments, they bring tons of giggles, too. Japanese photographer Masayuki Oki loves cats too, and I perfectly understand him. He turned this love into photography, taking photos of stray cats […]

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been hitting the headlines a lot lately. According to popular opinion, it will likely destroy art, photography, and the creative industries as we know them. But is that the whole story? Perhaps we are missing something here. Surely there is a reverse side to all the doom-mongering? Well, photographer and digital […]

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It’s so exciting to see the beginning of something new and beautiful. Thanks to NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, we can now see the once-hidden features of the birth of a new star. How exciting is that? Webb’s near-infrared camera captured the protostar within the dark cloud L1527. It looks like a fiery cosmic hourglass, […]

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The post 10 Best Places to Travel for Photography appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Jeremy Flint.

There are many incredible locations around the globe, and they’re all capable of entertaining... more

Digital grain, or noise, cant always be avoided in photography. Despite massive advances in camera sensor technology over the years, noise is still a major issue for all different types of photographers. There are a few things you can do to help reduce the noise in your photos, one of the more useful ways is to use an... more

Amazon has sent out a notification to Amazon Drive customers reminding them that Amazon Drive is shutting down in December 2023. The news isn’t new, it was first announced back in July, and Amazon Drive apps for Android and iOS have already been taken down. But the notification serves as a reminder to make sure […]

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Just last week, those based in the US and South America witnessed a total lunar eclipse, the last one until 2025. Many photographers took the opportunity for some great shots, and Jason De Freitas took it to the next level. He shot the entire eclipse on 35mm film. And then – he developed it and […]

The post Photographer... more

They do say never to work with animals. News reporter Alvin Patterson Kaunda was left collapsed in laughter when a baby elephant stole the show ‘kissing’ him on the lips live on camera. Kaunda was recording for KBC Television in Kenya and standing close to a herd of elephants. As he spoke about orphaned elephants […]

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Popular streaming gear manufacturer, Elgato, has announced the new Stream Deck +. Like the original Stream Deck and its many variants, and as the name suggests, it’s aimed primarily at streamers, but it features abilities far beyond those needed to play your favourite game on Twitch. And now, for the first time, a Stream Deck […]

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