Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Matching colors in Photoshop is fun, but getting the selections and the hue exactly right can also be frustrating. Thankfully, some newer Adobe Photoshop tools have made it easier than before. While there are several ways of transferring colors from one image to another, in this video, you’ll learn a simple one that takes around […]

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We all started out with a lightweight tripod as our very first tripod. Most likely, then, after several uses and budget allowing, you upgraded to a much sturdier tripod. If you’ve ever struggled with a lightweight tripod, you know exactly why. And then the occasion strikes where you realize, at times, you also need a […]

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Sirui has announced their new Saturn 35mm T2.9 full-frame carbon fibre 1.6x anamorphic lens. Designed for lightweight and mobile shooting, the new lens is smaller than a can of coke and designed for use on cameras with gimbals and even FPV drone rigs – cinema ones, at least, not cinewhoops! The light construction is thanks […]

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Adobe Lightroom seems to get more and more useful every year. The most recent updates have made this a formidable piece of software. It used to be that I did a few small global adjustments in Lightroom or Adobe Camera Raw and then headed straight for Photoshop to do the majority of the retouching work. […]

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As artificial intelligence (AI) technology continues to develop, so too does the ability to create realistic images with the help of AI. I have been spending some time testing out how good this new technology really is, trying to figure out who has the creative control, how I feel about being removed from the process, […]

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The post 6 Tips for Beautiful Portraits on Location appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Darlene Hildebrandt.

Struggling to capture great on-location portraits? You’re not alone.

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The post Weekly Photo Challenge Bricks appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Sime.

A perfectly simple theme! Bricks! Shapes and Angles, (no, not angles!) and SHadow and Light make bricks so much fun to shoot.... more

The popularity of Apple AirTag always seems to be on the increase. With the amount of theft going on, particularly around photographers, it’s not much of a surprise that more and more photographers are taking to AirTag and similar tracking devices to ensure they know where their gear is at all times. The problem comes, […]

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Can you imagine embezzling over $400,000 of state money to buy camera gear so you can take photos for Instagram? As crazy as it sounds, this actually happened. A University of California professor reportedly spent $404,000 of state funds to buy himself cameras and lenses. No, he didn’t need them for science or teaching – […]

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