Photography Blogs & Tutorials

The words “RED” and “patent” are pretty familiar bedfellows. They’ve used their raw video patents to strongarm every other camera manufacturer from being able to implement raw video in their camera without RED’s approval (and a hefty fee), even if those companies have developed their own raw video technologies. Now, they’ve filed – and been […]

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I don’t know how long camera manufacturers will continue to think that we believe their “we didn’t know it was going to be so popular!” excuse. Of course, they knew it was going to be popular. because its predecessor was also extremely popular. Still, Nikon has posted an announcement stating that demand “exceeds our expectations”, […]

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They almost look like aerial photographs of glacial meltwater flowing into Icelandic lakes. But these are no fluvial waters. These are extreme macro close-ups of the human eye, taken by portrait photographer Markus Hofstätter. The abstract nature and varied colors and textures are all part of the beauty of these images. Markus has been fascinated […]

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The post Canon to Release an EOS R8 or EOS R9 in 2023 appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Jaymes Dempsey.

Over the past few months, a handful of Canon gear announcements and rumors have made waves in the... more

British Ecological Society has published the 2022 winners of its annual photo contest, Capturing Ecology. And like every year, the selected images feature different subjects and convey different emotions: from the thrilling chase of a hungry leopard, to the blissful calm of a bird floating on water. This year’s overall winner is a portrait of […]

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The Environmental Photographer of the Year contest has announced its 2022 winners. Like every year, some images show the beauty of both natural and man-made worlds. However, most photos show the grim reality that we live in. But if nothing else, they will make you care about the environment more than you already are. And […]

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The ISO capabilities in DSLRs and mirrorless cameras today is pretty amazing. But it’s not perfect. You’re still going to see an increase in noise as you ramp up the ISO, even if it’s not quite as bad as it used to be. But we all love clean, noiseless images, don’t we? Along with the […]

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The shift to mirrorless has largely helped to eliminate one of the biggest issues of DSLRs; Focus calibration. And although mirrorless is now selling at a higher rate than DSLRs, there are still a lot of them out there. For example, even though I bought half a dozen Panasonic mirrorless cameras for video a couple of years […]

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A spectacular image was captured showing both the lava flows from erupting volcano Mauna Loa and some light pillars. The image was captured by one of the International Gemini Observatory’s Cloudcams. The cloud cam operates 24/7 near the snow-covered summit of Maunakea (the highest point seen in the image), one of the other volcanos on […]

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How far would you travel to capture the perfect lightning bolt? For some photographers, that answer is “pretty far”. This excellent short documentary released by ABC Australia shows the lengths some storm-chasing photographers are prepared to go to. And it’s fascinating. Jordan Cantelo is one such storm chaser who travels thousands of miles across the […]

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