Photography Blogs & Tutorials

The post The dPS Top Photography Gear Tips of 2022 appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Jaymes Dempsey.

Looking to master your gear? Or perhaps you’re in search of a new camera or lens?

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Over the course of 2022, we featured an unusually high number of bear-related stories. So, is there a better way to conclude this year with another story featuring a bear? This one is about bear photography – but it’s the bear who is the photographer. Well, sort of. A chubby bear cub was caught on […]

The post Baby... more

Winter has arrived here on the Earth’s Northern hemisphere, and some of you were lucky enough to have a white Christmas. But did you know that winter is also happening on Mars? With temperatures as low as -120° C, how can it not? NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter recently captured stunning photos of snowy dunes on […]

The post NASA’s latest... more

The Canon Speedlite EL-1 flash was announced late last year, and like many of you, I saw the price tag and thought that I would save some money and keep using my old Canon 600EX-RT flashes. Let’s face it, at $1099 each, these things are not cheap. But about a month ago, I decided to […]

The post A real-world test of the new... more

Other than AI, 2022 was a big year for astrophotography, considering that James Webb Space Telescope reached its destination and sent back its first photos. Of course, there have been many other memorable moments and photos, and in this article we’ll share our top ten with you. Okay, and a few honorable mentions, because we […]

The post Top ten... more

The post The dPS Top Post-Processing Tips of 2022 appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Jaymes Dempsey.

Over the last 12 months, we’ve shared dozens of articles on photo editing, including tutorials... more

2022 was a year to remember. For most of us, it was the year when COVID got under control, and we regained our lives back. It was also an interesting year for the photo-video industry. The community definitely has an interest in underwater photography (3/10 stories), astrophotography (2/10), and general photo-video news stories. we did […]

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Last Wednesday, early in the morning, doorbell cameras in Anchorage, Alaska captured more than just the quiet streets of the sleeping town. They caught a giant meteor zooming across the sky, a sight we definitely don’t see every day. It was so bright that it lit up the whole sky for a few seconds, before burning […]

The post Doorbell cameras capture a... more

Hey Filmmakers Chung Dha here, this here is my clapperboard that I DIY-modded it to have a lot of improvements so it can be used on set avoiding a lot of issues, but also making certain things faster. Under here is just a very basic and affordable clapperboard you can easily buy from Amazon or […]

The post How to make a DIY customized... more

If you’re a dog person who’s into photography and video games, Nintendo Switch has introduced a perfect game for you. It’s called Pupperazzi, and yes, it’s just as it sounds: it’s all about taking photos of dogs. It hardly gets better than that.  “Who will photograph, pet, and tell these dogs they’re good boys and […]

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