Photography Blogs & Tutorials

The post dPS Weekly Photo Challenge Best of 2022 appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Sime.

Our last photo challenge of 2022! When this publishes, it will be the last day of 2022, quite the year... more

When I made the move from Nikon to Sony, dust became an issue for me. I was not only moving from one brand to another but also from a DSLR to a mirrorless system. While my Nikons were not immune to sensor dust, it was never a big issue. I suspect that the mirror protected […]

The post Nitecore BB2 – The best fan for your sensor appeared first on... more

Projecting light and shapes onto your model opens up a whole lot of possibilities for creative, unusual portraits. If you’re looking for some inspiration and something new to try, this might just be it! In this video from Adorama, Gavin Hoey shows you how to take outstanding portraits with projectors. He shows you two different […]

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Yesterday Twitter announced that they were adding view counts to tweets on Twitter. I thought I’d use this announcement to very unscientifically compare the number of views one of my photos received on Twitter vs. Flickr. While some might call this an “apples vs. oranges” comparison, and Flickr is admittedly more of a photography-centric social network, […]

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The post The dPS Top Nature and Wildlife Photography Tips of 2022 appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Jaymes Dempsey.

Looking to level up your macro, bird, flower, or wildlife photography... more

2022 was the year when many of us regained our lives. COVID has become a thing we live with; for many, life regained its pre-covid routines. I thought it would be interesting to see the topics we all engaged with. Interestingly, there is a mix of gear, wildlife, and even AI. For me, one of […]

The post Here are the top 10 most discussed posts for... more

Teased at the end of November with a little bit of a photos leak, Viltrox has now officially announced their new 75mm f/1.2 autofocus lens for Fuji X mirrorless cameras. The new lens adds to Viltrox’s existing 13mm f/1.4, 23mm f/1.4 Mark II, 33mm f/1.4, 56mm f/1.4, and 85mm f/1.8 Mark II but marking a new milestone in maximum aperture […]

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Well, it looks like the announcement is going to be coming quite soon. After the recent photo leak, a complete set of specs for the Panasonic Lumix S5 Mark II has also been leaked. Also, we now know what the differences will be between the S5 Mark II and the S5 Mark II X. The […]

The post Leaked spec... more

A tragedy struck this Tuesday when a New Zealand tourist tried to take a selfie. The man was leaning out of a moving train in Thailand, trying to take a photo of himself. He sadly lost his balance, plunging 33 feet (10m) to his death. The terrible accident took place on 27 December in Kanchanaburi, […]

The post New Zealand... more

Videos like this one from Jordan Wilson fascinate me. For one, having the foresight to start a project like this at the age of 13 is pretty impressive, but to see how our face and structure evolve over the years as we transition from a child into an adult is interesting to see. What’s particularly […]

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