Photography Blogs & Tutorials

In the “Microcosmos of Winter,” I wanted to show never-seen-before footage of a soap bubble that starts to freeze. I previously tried to film this two years ago with my Sony 90 1:1 and Raynox DRC-250, which only allowed me to shoot at about 2X magnification. However, the weather in Germany at that time was simply […]

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Sony has announced a long list, covering pretty much every product type they make, that will see an average 14% price hike coming on February 1st. The company cites a range of factors, including the cost of raw materials, manufacturing and distribution – all “external environment” issues beyond their control – as the cause for […]

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  Former Beatle Paul McCartney has announced the release of his new photo book titled “1964: Eyes Of The Storm“. The book contains 275 images that have never been seen by the public before and was taken entirely by the musician himself. The project takes a look back at the few months spanning the end […]

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Shortly after welcoming AI-generated images on its platform, Shutterstock has introduced its own AI image generator, Shutterstock.AI. In collaboration with OpenAI, Shutterstock now offers AI-generated stock images to its customers from anywhere. They can create images in seconds, using any of the languages the website offers. Could this be the end of stock photography as […]

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As A.I. is getting stronger and more potent, I wanted to see if it is capable of writing a Product Requirement Document (PRD) for the perfect mirrorless camera. Getting a good PRD for a new product is at the heart of camera brands’ work. You can think about it as an effort to decipher the […]

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This is a short story about a strong vision, lack of time, and how a good story overcomes the gap between the two. The Extinction Thermometer is an art installation I designed and Dana Waldman hand-sculpted to highlight the connection between Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss. If you know the Doomsday Clock, the concept of […]

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There are some rather mad people on the Internet. And they don’t get much madder than the folks at Syrp Lab. But building a DaVinci Resolve style system of colour grading in Microsoft Excel isn’t quite as crazy as it might first appear. You see, under the hood, DaVinci Resolve is essentially just running some […]

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This is one of the most underused features of mirrorless cameras today – and many later DSLRs that came before them. We’re talking about the custom saved settings feature. These settings presets, usually accessible via the mode dial on top of your camera, allow you to instantly recall a set of saved settings whenever you […]

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Canon has developed a new 12.6-megapixel CMOS sensor designed primarily for monitoring and industrial applications. What’s special about this sensor is that it shoots multiple exposures simultaneously each time it takes a photo to maximise dynamic range.It’s a 1-inch backside-illuminated sensor, that overcomes the limitations of existing sensor technology by splitting the image up into […]

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