Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Photographing reflective surfaces and objects is usually quite challenging, and can easily turn the work of the photographer into a frustrating task.

Reflections are a hard to tame beast, but it gets easier to control if you know the rules. So, in this article I will show you how to create a high impact image with controlled reflections, like the one below, with a really simple, but highly effective, technique and using equipment you most certainly already own.

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Post-processing can be a minefield. Beginners especially can feel overwhelmed when confronted by amazing software, that can do almost anything, like Photoshop for example. However, everyone starts from somewhere, and not everything is terribly confusing. I am personally a fan of simplicity, when it comes to technology. Let me share with you a few simple steps on how to get started batch processingusing Adobe Bridge.

Editing in Bridge is super simple, and as easy as one –... more

DIYP was one of the first to report about Nikon Singapore awarding a trolley bag to a Photoshopped photo(you can read the full story here). While both the internet and Nikon SG have been having a great deal of fun with the photo, Yu Wei have been taking quite a deal of abuse. From something [...]

The post Yu Wei Responds to His Ladder Photo Winning on... more

Manfrotto 322RC2 Joystick Tripod Head

I dont use my tripod extensively in the same way a landscape shooter does, but I do consider a tripod an essential part of a photographers arsenal.

With regard to tripod heads, I have used a ball head for many... more

If someone were to ask me whether its worth going to college or university to study for a degree in photography I would find that a difficult question to answer. I dont think there is much value in studying photography at college, yet I dont want to destroy anyones dreams (the good news is that there are plenty of other less expensive paths to a photography career).

If you are thinking about studying photography at tertiary level, these are the two most important questions to ask:

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GoPros are marketed towards those who seek adrenaline, day in, day out. For better or worse, adrenaline often coincides with illegal activities. This was made very evident in the latest GoPro adventures of 18-year-old Andrej Ciesielski, a German-born teen who recently made an illegal climb to the top of the Great Pyramid of Giza and [...]

The post ... more

Uh oh. Nikon PR might have some explaining to do. Last night, Nikon shared a Facebook post announcing the winner of a photo contest giveaway. There was a slight problem though. The winning photo appears to be a fake, despite the story behind the image blatantly stating otherwise. According to the post, which can be [...]

The post Poorly... more

Have you ever wanted to own your own Leica factory authorized service business? If so, youre in for the chance of a lifetime. For only $138,000, this complete set of tools, manuals and spare parts can be all yours. If youre wondering how all of this came to be, eBay seller globimage says the equipment [...]

The post Finally! You can purchase... more

Oooh shiny! Look at these images of shiny things and your eyes may glaze over.

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When you think of sports photography, mixed martial arts (MMA) probably isnt the first sport that comes across your mind. But dont think for a second its not as if not more action packed as any other sporting event out there. To give us a peek inside the world of MMA photography, photographer [...]

The post This POV GoPro video shows what it’s... more
