Photography Blogs & Tutorials

It’s typical. You wait forever for a bus to come along, and then they always seem to show up right when you don’t need them any more. The creator of this video, which was supposed to be of the demolition of a high rise block of flats a few days ago in Glasgow, Scotland, certainly [...]

The post You wait ages for a bus, and then one shows up to... more

With the speed boosts and memory capacities of modern computers, stitching multiple shotstogether to make larger panoramicimages has become a very common technique used by many photographers. Chances are, if you’re reading this, you probably have too, or you’ve at least thought about giving it a go. While most stitches go pretty well, there are [...]

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It’s that time of year again – when we are overwhelmed by students and recent grads looking for gainful employment. As a business owner, it never ceases to amaze me how clueless some millennials are when it comes to applying for jobs and their expectations of the work world. If you are an arts student [...]

The post Reality Check for Millennial Arts Students Looking... more

One of the most important choices you make when taking a photograph is deciding what shutter speed to use. The shutter speed controls how much light comes into your camera, and how motion is recorded.

A faster shutter speed will freeze action and... more

I am a firm believer in the power of the tripod. Tripods let you do wonderful things. You can easily composite, take long exposures, do light painting, it is just an awesome tool. When it comes to video tripods are even more essential, at least if you want to take a static shot. But tripods [...]

The post Rant: Tripod makers, please don’t force us to carry coins in our... more

It turns out that May is National Photography Monthand to celebrate, Canon USA have revealed a few current consumer trends in the world of photography. Consumers are showing more confidence behind the camera than ever, claiming that 80% of them rate their photography skills as “good to excellent”. It certainly goes some way towards explaining [...]

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In the modern digital world, what is it that fascinates us about photography techniques that died out maybe a hundred years or more ago? Whatever it is, you can satisfy your desires a little bit with this video featuring wet plate photographer David Rambow, who walks us through his thoughts and process when working inthis [...]

The post Photographer explains how to create and... more

Here are five steps you can take which help to increase the sharpness of your photographs:

1) Keep your lenses, filters, and camera sensor clean

Somewhat of an obvious point, but a very important one nonetheless. If your lenses and/or filters have dust or debris on them, however small and unnoticeable to the naked eye, it can create ugly soft spots on your photograph. There have been countless times I was in such a hurry to go shoot, I didnt check the glass to see if it needed a... more

In this very non-scientific exerciseby Seattle based portrait photographerBen Lucas, we see if subjects can tell the difference between photograph created by a full time working pro vs a paid actor. The camera, lighting and setup is identical for each “photographer”, to try and illustrate that creating a portrait is about more than just the [...]

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As if eaglesand nets weren’t already enough for drone users to worry about, now we have to deal withjavelins, too. The eagle eyed amongstyou might’ve noticed the historically-inaccurate porta-potties in the background of the imageabove, but it seems they managed to escape the wrath of participants at a renaissance festival in Russia recently, unlike this [...]

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