Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Not very long ago I got to visit my buddy Joseph Parry. We drank (quite a lot of beer), we ate (lots of chocolate brownies) and we took photos. Like any normal person, when they go visit a friend I brought with me a cowboy outfit. Wait! What, that’s not normal!!?? Well welcome to my [...]

The post Adding texture easily to your backgrounds in Photoshop appeared first on... more

I often get the feeling that photography is talked and written about as if its practitioners have an innate knowledge of the terms involved. Any craft or profession comes with its own specialist language, but if you’re new to itand even if you’re notyou can often feel overwhelmed by the terminology, let alone the technicalities [...]

The post What the heck is hyperfocal distance? appeared... more

When I first heard the phrase “dual cameras” used in relation to mobile phones, 3D is what first came to my mind. How disappointed I was to find out that it was nothing to do with recording videos or shooting stills in 3D. Now, Weeview want to fix that, having announcedthe Eye-Plug 3D Camera atComputex. [...]

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It is often said in photography that less is more, but what does that mean? Going minimalist, putting less “stuff” in your images can often help to make them more powerful. The subject becomes more obvious to the viewer, the image is less cluttered and clean, and it has more visual appeal.

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The case of Jane Doe No. 14 v. Internet Brands, Inc. is one that many were following with great interest, and Internet giants like eBay and Facebook told the court thatthe lawsuit would have a “chilling effect” on the Internet. While what happened to Doewas tragic, shefelt that Model Mayhem were responsible for not warning [...]

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Just like the TV show Seinfeld that was a show about nothing, putting next to nothing in your images can produce some good results.

minimalism – a style or technique (as in music, literature, or design) that is characterized by extreme spareness and simplicity

Sometimes in an image less is more, and many beginners try to put too much into their images which makes them busy and unfocused. Look at these images that use minimalism well:

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If scrolling through a plain old Instagram feed isn’t exciting enough for you, a new free online app calledInstamuseum lets you turn itinto a virtual museum. To create your gallery, you’ll need an account on Sketchfab, but thatis also free. To let people view them, you need simply to embed them into your website. Utilising [...]

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Ateam at Harvard University have build a lens that’s thinner than the waves of light it focuses. Based on light-warping metamaterials, this lens may one day replace the heavier glass lenses found in items like microscopes, smartphones, cameras and even telescopes. Lens technology has come a very long way since those early days, but it’s [...]

The post The camera lenses of the... more

Adding some motion to the camera is one of the simplest ways to give your footage a bit ofinterest. Today, we have more options than ever when it comes to how we can get that motion. For Matt and Kim’s latest music video for their song, Let’s Run Away, they decided to try something a [...]

The post No budget? No problem! This music video was shot with a... more

I have noticed a growing demand for fitness photography recently – which I am taking as confirmation of a fun new rising photography trend: fitness portraits. (Other recent photography trends include: Anne Geddes babies, black and white baby parts, smash the cake, trash the dress, pet portraits, maternity boudoir, boudoir boudoir, seniors, crazy wedding composites…and [...]

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