Photography Blogs & Tutorials

My name is Matt Palace and I intend to photograph 1,200 pilgrims.“1200 Pilgrims” is a personal project carried out with the intention of photographing 1,200 Pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago in Northern Spain. Individuals from around the world walked this 800km trail over the course of 30 days, as a spiritual retreat. The aim [...]

The post I am photographing 1,200 pilgrims, here... more

As photographers, we often swear by the mantra that a picture speaks a thousand words. Yet there are some instances when we just wish we could add a word or two to help facilitate the understanding of the image, or carry the thought process forward even beyond viewing the image. The good news is that this is fairly easy to do using most editing software onthe market today.

In this article we’ll go over the basics of how to add text to an image using Photoshop.

The Type... more

The war in Syria has claimed more than 130,000 lives. On topofthe lives lost,overtwo million Syrian citizens had to evacuate into bordering states and about two million others were dislocated withinSyria. Aside the sad reality of the of the people ofSyria, it is also suffering from vast bombardment. The results of which are maybe best [...]

The post Video showing haunting before and... more

What do you get when you cross Hasselblad’s A5D aerial camera with a DJI Matrice 600? The photo above is what you get, and it’s an absolute monster of a flying camera. DJI bought a “strategic minority stake” in Hasselblad last year, which seems to now be bearing fruit with their first joint product, and [...]

The post DJI and Hasselblad team... more

Whether hardware or software, Open Source is a wonderful thing. Open Source doesn’t always mean free, though, especially when it comes to hardware. While not necessarily cheap, the DIY solution presented in this video from Bent-Tronicsdoes fall in line with other such overhead camera projects. The simple fact of the matter is that it’s not [...]

The post Build an... more

So this is happening more and more Im talking with a client who wants me to shoot a creative portrait of them, and they say, I like your blurry photos, I want that look. My blurry photos? Most of the time thats not something a photographer wants to hear, but I know theyre referring to [...]

The post How I Shot These Etherial Portraits With A Lensbaby appeared first on... more

Yesterday, we mentioned that the Yi 4K action camera was now available in the USA and it seems that the pre-orders have already started arriving into the hands of waiting users. One such early recipient is filmmaker Deejay Scharton, founder ofDSLR Film Noob, who has put together a quick first impressions video, side-by-side with the [...]

The post Yi 4K vs GoPro Hero4 Black first... more

Manyphotographers and models tend to go to sites like Model Mayhem when looking for new people with which to collaborate, but such sites were built before the days where the majority weren’t browsing from mobile devices. Mostsites were slow tomake the shift, butI’ve yet to come across any that are 100% mobile friendly (at least [...]

The post FStop, it’s basically... more

Be inspired by decisive moments on the streets to create better wedding photography.

If you are reading this article you musthave some interest instreet photography, or maybe you are starting as a professionalwedding photographer, but most likely you are interested in both fields. This will give you some ideas on how to draw inspiration from street photography that you can use in your wedding work.

A street photographer can be anyone going out to wander the streets of a... more

It’s the 7th and final day of our 2016 Summer Sale… and we’ve saved the biggest deal until last!

The good people over at have made their Ultimate Photography Bundle, worth a whopping US$5,000+, available to dPS subscribers for just US$79.

Yes, $5,000+, worth... more
