Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Burning man is probably one of the best places in the world to get some exciting photos going. Sadly, not without a price. Roger Cicala ofLensRental tells that after each Burning Man festival he s faced with the task of cleaning (and sometimes scraping) the gear that came back from the Playa. It is not [...]

The post This is what Burning Man playa dust will do to your camera [horror... more

Remember that funny story about eagles being trained to clean the airspace of illegal drones? Well, things just got serious. The program started with one eagle, so the chances of the bird catching a drone somewhere in the duch airspace were pretty random. but the program is gaining momentum and more eagles are begin trained. [...]

The post This is how trained eagles knock drones out of the sky... more

We got our hands on aSmallRig’ Sony A7x camera cage (its good for the A7II, A7RII & A7SII) , and we love it. I am going to go and break it down and explain the impact it has on my workflow in a second, but first… Of course to review a cage, I would first [...]

The post DIYP reviews SmallRig’s SONY A7II, A7RII, A7SII cage and loving it appeared first... more

Earlier I rounded up several images of fall leaves to get you thinking about shooting the autumn colors.

Now it’s your turn to get shooting.

By Pedro Fernandes

By Randi Hausken

Weekly Photography – Fall Leaves

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Despite doing everything possible to kill off analogue photography, Fuji have done wonders for instant film. The trend has seen a resurgence in recent years, becoming extremely popular. This has not gone unnoticed, especially by Leica. Leica have now announced that they’re producing their own instant film camera, the SOFORT (German for “instant”). IT is [...]

The post... more

Ok, it might be a little unfair to put a $2,400 camera and lens against a $8,100 camera and lens. One would expect a camera rig costing more than three times as much to produce better results. But are those results at least three times better? And if the Fuji can keep up, doesn’t that [...]

The post Fuji X-T2 vs Nikon D5; Real world portrait... more

Here in the Northern Hemisphere fall is upon us and the leaves are already changing color. What better time to get out and photograph them!

Let’s see what these photographers captured in this colorful images of fall leaves:

By Louise Leclerc

By Ram Yoga

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Zeiss have announced a new telephoto lens in their Loxia lineup for Sony full frame cameras. The new lens is the Zeiss Loxia 2.4/85. Adding to the Loxia family that includes the 21mm f/2.8, 35mm f/2 and 50mm f/2, the new 85mm f/2.4 rounds off the selection quite nicely.For now, anyway. I still think they [...]

The post Zeiss expands its Sony E-Mount Loxia range with a new... more

It’s the debate that just won’t go away. Whether photography or cinema, film vs digital is a constant source of both controversy and amusement. In this video from Cooke Optics, we hear some insights from a different perspective. Heavyweight DPs such as Phil Meheux (Casino Royale), Sean Bobbitt (12 Years a Slave), John Mathieson (X-Men: [...]

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We all have problems in life. Some of us are overweight, depressed, or tired all the time. Some of us lack creative inspiration, skills, or outlets for our work. Some of us lack motivation, willpower, and strength to take action in our lives. Many of us feel that technology is the savior. If we only [...]

The post Stop with the gear lust already – Technology isn... more
