Photography Blogs & Tutorials

You may be very aware that photography equipment is not cheap. If you’re not, you’re in for a rude awakening! Camera bodies can cost thousands of dollars and it’s not uncommon for a lens to be even more expensive than a body! Sometimes it’s very tempting to baby your equipment; treat it with extra caution and wrap it up in cotton wool so as no harm will come to it. But with the right care and maintenance, your equipment will last and continue to perform for many years... more

When I travel into the city (San Francisco) I take along my furry assistant and mini model, Mila, for the trip. She’s been working with me for awhile now. She trades in Pup-Peroni and DentaStix, and her daily rate is affordable, but I think she’d work for free too without complaint. I’d always rather bring my pup along on photography walks than go solo.

There are a lot of great reasons to practice photography with your dog! I can already think of five good... more

Hey folks. Just a quick post after returning from Photokina 2016 with some cool things that I found interesting and worthy of sharing. (Also, if you ever get a chance to go to Photokina ... go. It is indescribably huge.)

So here it is: some lighting stuff, some other stuff . . .... more

When learning photography, it can be tricky to understand how your DSLR works. Most of us started shooting in automatic because we did not know what we were doing when we switched our camera to manual mode.

Basically, your DSLR has four main shooting modes, they are; Program (P), Manual (M), Aperture Priority (Av/A) and Shutter Priority (Tv/S).

The different shooting modes on an advanced DSLR.

Manual mode lets you... more

Enter to Win the Ultimate Photography Prize Package!We are giving away a Datacolor Spyder5CAPTURE PRO + Canon EOS 60D + 28f/1.8 lens. (Total Retail Value – $1,700) One lucky winner will receive a Datacolor Spyder5CAPTURE PRO & Canon EOS 60D Camera & Canon EF 28f/1.8 USM lens. (we will choose a random winner at October [...]

The post We are giving away... more

Until very recently, my mindset was decidedly anti-drone. To me, drones seemed like a complicated plaything for geeks. After all, isn’t this photography hobby expensive enough without adding flying apparatuses to the equation? Plus there was very little doubt in my mind that if I bought a drone I would send it flying into the ocean on its first flight.No thanks.

Why a drone?

I had a problem though. I had a coastal photography trip planned, and in coastal photography it is... more

As a photographer, youll often concentrate on perfecting your art at taking one perfect photo. However, there are many occasions where youll need to string together a sequence of photos with differing styles. Whether youre shooting a magazine article or making a personal project, knowing how to produce photos that show details, people, and the whole scene is a skill worth having.

Shooting a sequence of photos

In the example youre going to see in this article, a traditional puppet show... more

In this photokina we’ve seen most camera makers making it bigger and better. But not necessarily faster. The new Fuji GFX medium format may be the prime example of that. Both camera makers and lens makers are putting full focus on developing features that relate to photos hard qualities: dynamic range, more megapixels, low light [...]

The post Is connectivity more important than image... more

The transformation tool in Photoshop is quite mighty. You can rotate, flip, stretch, squeeze and distort your selection. Here is a less knownsecret: With this little trick you can repeat the last transformation as a copy – so you can build all kinds of complex ornaments, wings and patterns within seconds. Here is how to [...]

The post Photoshop Power Tip: Use... more

When you get a third party lens, there is a concern that it will not always be compatible with your camera. I mean Canon, Nikon and the likes have no obligation to make their bodies work with third party lenses. Now Sigma has actually found an incompatibility with some Canon bodies, and issued an incompatibility [...]

The post If lens == Sigma and body == Canon then error appeared first on... more
