Sure Muhammad Ali could float like a butterfly and sting like a bee, but could he punch like a peacock mantis shrimp? Probably. Heavyweight championship-worthy jabs notwithstanding, a brave robot spy crab decided to take a look anyway.
File this under "products lost in the shuffle during the chaos of CES." During the annual electronics trade show, HP announced a new member of its Sprocket family, the HP Sprocket Photobooth.
After I posted photos from Saturdays Chiefs vs. Dolphins sub-zero NFL playoff game, I received a lot of messages. Some were from people asking how I was able to stay warm, and the rest were from photographers who all asked the same question: How did you keep your hands warm? Short answer? I wasnt able to keep my fingers warm, but I was able to maintain feeling in them.
Godox, a leading manufacturer of third-party lighting equipment, announced a compact, minimalistic flash trigger that it promises to be a game-changer. The new Xnano is a wireless TTL flash trigger and is available for most major camera systems.
The Nature Photography Contest, which held its first edition in 2023, announced the inaugural winners' circle, which offers 2,000 in cash prizes, equivalent to just over $2,000 USD.
More than four billion people around the world are eligible to vote in elections in 2024, but some fear that artificial intelligence will interfere with democracy.
Rare footage shows a squid hauling thousands of eggs across the ocean: a once-in-a-lifetime feat that lasts several months and requires the mother to never let go of their unhatched offspring -- not even to eat.
It's no secret that the film and TV industries lack diversity, but in its latest announcement, Adobe is stepping up to offer support for underrepresented creators. The new Adobe Film & TV Fund aims to provide career support and growth to increase representation in film and television.