Photography News

Giles Penfound is a photographer with an engrossing past and a story to tell. Penfound began his journey as a professional photographer over 25 years ago and spent most of his time documenting military operations from within the British Army. Documentary photographer... more

Canadian singer Kalle Mattson just released a music video for his song “Avalanche” that creatively recreates some of the most famous album cover photos in the history of music. Over the course of 4 minutes, Mattson steps into 28 different sets to show what his album cover would look like as other iconic albums. The Ramones, Jay-Z, the Backstreet Boys, and Michael Jackson are some of the artists referenced. Brownie points if you can name the others.

Here are some... more

Photographer Levi Bettwieser has been doing some incredible work as the founder and film technician behind The Rescued Film Project. Back in January he made headlines around the world after finding 31 rolls of undeveloped... more

The Blue Angels announced their arrival in Seattle this week as they usually do - suddenly, and with a lot of noise. While we've been able to catch glimpses of them flying over from our office windows, as they prepare for a local maritime festival. But our view is nothing like the view Seattle Post-Intelligencer photographer Josh Trujillo had during their flyby yesterday afternoon.... more

Lensbaby has been producing creative art lenses since the company was established in 2004. They have since released a number of different products for both SLR and Mirrorless camera bodies, as well as mobile smartphones. Recently, Lensbaby released the... more

Earlier this year, former Beatles drummer Ringo Starr made an appearance on Conan O’Brien’s late night talk show. One of the subjects discussed during the interview was Starr’s new photo book, titled... more

A man in Kentucky was arrested this past Sunday after he used a shotgun to shoot down a camera drone flying over his property. He’s being charged with criminal mischief and wanton endangerment, both of which are felonies.

47-year-old William H.... more

Rooftopping photographers have gotten a lot of attention and notoriety in recent days for climbing to extremely high points in cities and shooting photos while often teetering on the edge. It turns out photographers were already pulling similar stunts nearly a century ago.

The picture above (by... more

London-based filmmaker Alicia MacDonald wrote and directed this short film titled “Otherwise Engaged.” It’s a cringeworthy piece of social satire that shows what smartphone cameras and social media have done to many of our special moments. Instead of living in the moment... more

Quintin Lake is a fine art and architectural photographer based in Cheltenham, England. He has been working on an ambitious photo project titled... more
