Photography News

Want. Want really badly actually. Magnum Contact Sheets is one of the most lauded, loved, and recommended photography books a photo lover can buy, and now signed copies are available in the Magnum... more

Cuba is one of the few places in the world where photography standard bar is set so high that even coming close to those standards feels like an achievement. Anyone who aspires to be creative and want to preserve time through the lenses would want to visits Cuba.

Its a daunting task to judge your own work, objectively, it always feel that the places potential for good photos is so much greater than achieved. It is hard for memories to fade especially from... more

This feature could be huge for wedding photographers. In the tutorial above, photographer Gary Fong shows you how the Sony a6300‘s “Face Registration” feature can... more

The UC Davis pepper spray incident was national news. Memes were generated from the resulting photos, which spread across the Web like wildfire in the wake of the events of that November day in 2011. But according to new reports, UC... more

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Peak Design isn't a company that's satisfied with the status quo. The San Francisco-based accessory design firm aims to produce highly functional and stylish photo gear, designing each detail from the ground up. The company has run a number of successful Kickstarter campaigns to... more

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A seasoned travel photographer knows that there's hard work involved in getting the best photos from a trip. So when Ken Koskela arrived in China on a 17-day trip, he wasn't exactly planning on a relaxing... more

If you’re a neat freakand I’m convinced almost everybody has a little bit of neat freak inside themthen Things Organized Neatly: The Art of Arranging the Everyday may be the most satisfying photo book you could possibly purchase.

Created by blogger and photographer Austin Radcliffe, the book is based on... more

Everybody seems to know what the next big camera from Fuji will be. Now that the X-Pro2 is out and performing admirably, we’re waiting on the X-T2. And while we don’t know exactly when it will arrive, a set of leaked photos are giving us our... more

Utah-based wedding photographer Robert Lance Montgomery of RLPhotoArt recently put on a killer cosplay shoot that is driving the Internet wild. It’s called “... more

This is really neat. Here’s a quick, useful DIY tip that’ll show you 5 creative ways to add a 1/4″ tripod mount to just about any object both destructively and non-destructively.

The tip comes from thefrugalfilmmaker on... more
