Photography News

Image sensor maker OmniVision has announced its latest product, the OV12890, a 1/2.3-inch 12MP sensor with a 1.55-micron pixel-size that has been designed with implementation in high-end smartphones in mind. OmniVision claims the new chip delivers improved sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratio compared to previous generations. It also offers a 12-bit architecture that allows for faster readout speeds.

The OV12890 comes with on-sensor phase detection and built-in HDR capabilities. It... more

British ESA astronaut Tim Peake has been regularly sharing photos of Earth he’s shooting during his 6 month stay on the International Space Station. He’s often asked about the gear he uses up there, so he decided to Tweet the above photo to show everyone.

“All... more

DxO has updated its OpticsPro software to version 11. OpticsPro 11 brings improvements to one of the last generation's headline features - 'PRIME' noise reduction. DxO promises that PRIME 2016 offers improved bokeh protection and better detail retention, particularly in shadows. Processing times have decreased, and users can expect up to 4X faster performance.

A new spot-weighted option is now offered under 'DxO Smart Lighting', limiting the effects of 'Smart Lighting'... more

I was editing some images that I took last week in New York City, including some taken from the observation deck of the Empire State Building. Then I remembered that I had taken some shots of the same view from the same location, 15 years ago.

In 2001, I shot a photo with a Hasselblad 205FCC with a 110mm Planar lens (35mm equivalent to 70mm) on Fujichrome 100. The 6x6cm tranny was scanned in an Imacon Flextight scanner, resulting in a 135 megabyte file.

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“HoloPainting” is a newly invented technique that combines light painting, stop motion, and hyperlapse to create animated, 3D holograms consisting of pure light.

Here’s an animated GIF showing what the result can look like:

Neat, huh? The technique was created by the Vienna, Austria-based time-lapse and film production company... more

If you have both an unused rolling toolbox and an ever-growing camera gear collection that needs a better home, here’s an idea: you can convert one or more of the toolbox’s shelves into padded storage for your cameras, lenses, and accessories.

That’s what the folks over at the video hosting company... more

Instagram has officially announced a set of new tools for business users, called Instagram Business Tools, that will help the platform be even more powerful for marketers. As was leaked over the past weeks, there will be new business profiles, analytics, and promoted... more

Columbus, Ohio-based photographer Mat Marrash has been working in large format photography for the past six years — a span longer than pretty much any other hobby that’s emerged in his life. He has also spent a lot of time thinking about why photography has had such a big impact on him. He... more

The Panasonic Lumix DMC-GX85 has the makings of one sweet camera. It uses a well-regarded 16MP Four Thirds sensor (with no AA filter), is 4K capable and features Panasonic's depth from defocus AF system.

Packed inside a sleek, customizable body, the GX85 features a new shutter mechanism that appears to solve the thorny issue of shutter shock, a problem that plagued its big brother, the GX8. The GX85 also features 5-axis... more

We know the maxim: the best camera is the one you have with you.We do not carry our cameras everywhere all the time, and when we come across something we want to capture, we reach for the only image capture device we have with usthe phone camera. It doesn’t have the quality we expect from our ‘real’ cameras, but it is usually decent for snapshots and social event photos.

Because of its convenience, many photographers wish for better image... more
