Photography News

I recently had the great pleasure of shooting fashion photography for the first time with Suede Brooks (model), fellow photographer... more

The digital revolutionand a revolution it wasenabled photographers to immediately start saving money after new equipment purchases. Sure, the quality sucked initially (and convenience was overstated) but after a few years, the whole thing really started to work properly, for the most part.

So thats all good, except that we photographers ripped ourselves off in a few ways over the past 15 years:

  1. Going to digital cameras too early
  2. Upgrading... more
via Google Street View

A new bar called The Darkroom is planned for construction on Florida Ave. in Washington D.C., according to a local news report, and itll cater specifically to photographers. The bar's nature was revealed in a liquor license application submitted to the Alcoholic Beverage Administration in D.C.

According to the application, 'The Darkroom' will... more

Commercial portrait photographer Gabriel Hill‘s typical day involves photographing big players in the pharmaceutical industry, some of the wealthiest people in the world. But his powerful... more

Capturing the Northern Lights in real time only recently became doable, with beautiful videos like this one popping up to show the potential of cameras that can handle high-ISO with low noise. But the folks at... more

So, you are an aspiring street photographer? Street photography has become an important part of your life, and now you want to shift your passion to the next level and want to study Photography? Forget about it. I had exactly the same thoughts a few years ago. Here are the reasons from my personal point of view that changed my mind.

1. You will begin to hate photography

A few years ago, I studied two semesters at a private photography school here in Berlin.... more

A few weeks ago, the company behind “zero distortion” ultra-wide angle Laowa 12mm f/2.8 lens... more

As beginner’s guides go, this is one of the best we’ve stumbled across. In 10 minutes, Joe Edelman does a fantastic job comparing the standard speedlight to the standard... more

Okay, this is awesome. A bar dedicated to “building community through the art of photography” is currently in the works in Washington DC. Called “The Darkroom,” it plans to live up to its name by including a photo studio and a working darkroom in the bar itself.

The news broke on... more

One technique digital photography has made easily accessible is time-lapse photography. By now weve all seen enough time-lapse sequences that they may not be as novel as they once were, but every now and then an artist comes along with one that still makes us go Wow!

Such is the case with Vimeo user Jansoli, who recently published a video called 8K Colors of NewYork 2016. Its a beautiful short that captures the beating pulse of... more
