Photography News

A few months ago I was blown away by some photos taken by one Victor Danell (link is external) with a modified Helios 44 lens. His process was to polish the glass elements... more (link is external)

Need a laugh this election day? Check out this fun little fake Photoshop tutorial by YouTuber punpun (link is external). It gives you a peek of what we assume will be possible in Photoshop CC... more (link is external)

If you’re a big fan of Canon’s cameras but can’t quite muster the pocket money to buy the newest 5D, you’re probably keen on news about a different camera: the followup to Canon’s entry-level full-frame 6D, the 6D Mark II. Sadly, that camera is still a ways off, but here’s everything we “know” so far.

First things first:... more (link is external)

One of the most difficult things in photography is to stay motivated and inspired. I know that I’ve personally hit photographers block many times in my career.

Sometimes it is good to try out different photography assignments, to push yourself outside of your comfort zone, try a new approach, and to take action. Simply sitting on your bum and thinking about photography wont improve your photography. You can only re-spark your passion for photography by... more (link is external)

Its not news that photography has changed dramatically over the past century. What was once an arduous process involving chemicals and clothespins has been completely digitalized, and in many cases automated. Anyone with a smartphone can call themselves a photographer; but does that mean the artistry has fizzled? Not in the least.

I like to say that questioning artistry in the digital darkroom is like questioning a chefs ability to transform raw ingredients... more (link is external)

If you have $200,000 to spare, you may soon be able to buy one of two early Leica RIFLE sets that were first sold back in July 1938. The cameras will be auctioned at Leica’s 30th WestLicht camera auction on November 19th.

Manufactured by E. Leitz New York, the rifles feature a wooden stock and a long scope, perfect for shooting your subjects from afar.

Two versions will be hitting the auction block: a RITOO set comes with a 20cm Telyt lens and is... more (link is external)

It’s election day in the United States, so we’ll forgive you if you can’t stomach any more election-related news. But if you have it in you,... more (link is external)

With the advent of better camera technology and clever processing software, do we really need neutral density filters any more? Cant we just replicate the effect of filters in Photoshop or even in camera? Isnt the dynamic range sufficient in my shiny new Sony camera? Well, yes and no

Graduated Neutral Density Filters

I used to shoot with graduated ND filters religiously for many years. There wasnt a shot I would take without strapping two Graduated ND filters... more (link is external)

Fujifilm has released two firmware updates: firmware version 5.00 for the X-T1 and version 2.01 for the X-Pro2. Unfortunately, X-T2 owners will have to wait a few more weeks for their own firmware update, which is now scheduled to release on November 29th. When the X-T2 firmware is finally released, it will add support for tethering with Adobe Lightroom.

The new X-Pro2 camera body firmware update brings several bug fixes, as well as improvements to AF tracking and phase detection AF... more (link is external)

In about one week, we will mark the anniversary of the most traumatic and violent piece of French history in the last decades. On the 13th of November, 2015, several coordinated terrorist attacks took place in Paris, less than a year after the attacks against the newspaper Charlie Hebdo.

Today, Paris still feels different. Much like the 9/11 attacks did in the US, these have left Paris with an air of danger, and the attacks are clearly in the heads of every... more (link is external)
