Photography News

Over the past couple of decades, CMOS sensors have come to dominate the digital photography landscape thanks to their increasing quality and falling costs. If you’re unfamiliar with the differences between CMOS and CCD sensors, CEI-Europe has... more

Mount Rainier, captured from the trail up Mount Teneriffe, near North Bend in Washington State. ~200mm (equivalent), ISO 800. Still another 2 miles to go until lunch, and another 400mm to go before the RX10 III's maximum telephoto setting.

Sony's new Cyber-shot RX10 III might look a lot like the older RX10 II, but its lens is really something else. With an effective focal range of... more

Recently one of my cousins messaged me asking for some camera advice. He was looking for help choosing a new camera and wondered if I had any suggestions. Without wasting any time I started writing back a sort of stream of consciousness response.

I started with the differences and history behind DSLRs and mirrorless cameras. I wrote about size and shape and weather sealing. I covered lenses and the suggested uses for various systems. I reflected on megapixels... more

I’m an avid camera and gear hoarder, but not the new stuff… I prefer the classics. I usually go to antique stores, thrift shops, etc. in hopes of finding a real gem. That’s exactly what happened last week.

I myself shoot a lot of fashion portraiture and experimental still life. At the moment the only digital lens I had was a cheap Canon f/1.8, which was doing me fine but I wanted something sharper.

So I went into this old antique mall... more

The last time you had or saw road rage, did you post to Instagram about it? If you did, you might have ended up a statistic in a recent report on road rage released by The Auto Insurance Center.

Using the popular photo sharing application... more

Beamr, the software company behind the content-aware JPEGmini image compression application, has introduced an extension for Adobe Photoshop. Dubbing it the 'The Save For Web button Adobe should've made', the company claims the extension will save users time and produce better results than Adobes default Save For Web settings.

JPEGmini is an image compression package that analyzes individual sectors of an image and applies different degrees of compression to each sector according to... more

If you ever try your hand at light painting photography with burning steel wool, be extra careful with safety and legality. Just a few months after a photographer allegedly destroyed a historic shipwreck in California with his sparks, another steel... more

Want to see what photo studios were like a century ago? Turkish artist Ali Alamedy recently spent 9 months building a 1900s photo studio… as a miniature tabletop diorama.

The model shows an era in which photographers were largely limited to using natural... more

The $500-800 category (based on US MSRP) features quite a few strong offerings, some of which should satisfy first-time camera buyers with easy-to-use interfaces and point-and-shoot style functionality. Others are aimed more at seasoned-enthusiasts, offering direct manual controls and high-end features.

At this price point, all of the cameras use either Four Thirds or larger APS-C-sized sensors and all can shoot Raw. And while a larger sensor can mean the potential for better image... more

It seems Olympus will soon take its ‘Tough’ series of point-and-shoots in a new direction. A leaked product photo gives us a first look at what many suspect will be the company’s first “Tough” action camera.

The photo was obtained and published by... more
