Photography News

Have you ever asked yourself what the best focal length for your first (or your next) prime lens should be? If you use mostly zoom lenses, Adobe Lightroom may be able to help.

In Lightroom, select the top folders containing all your pictures. Then open the Grid view in the Library module and select Metadata in the Library Filter bar on top of the grid. This will show you a couple of columns with selected metadata that you can filter for.

Next, you... more

A new short video introduces Gian Luigi Carminati, a 76-year-old technician from Milan, Italy, who has been repairing analog cameras for nearly 60 years. While the documentary is only a touch over two minutes long, it introduces viewers to Carminati's analog camera collection and his thoughts on photography.

Carminati, who considers himself a technician rather than a photographer, dabbles in photography himself, describing a particular fondness for old cameras and black-and-white... more

Ever wonder what the difference between an F-Stop and a T-Stop is? If you’ve never bothered to look up and understand this bit of light transmission trivia, listen up: this simple video does the work for you.

The video was created by... more

Magic Lantern may soon release their most popular feature since RAW video. A few of the folks who constantly improve the Canon software add-on have just found a way to generate 14-bit lossless DNG RAW files in-... more

Complaints are starting to surface online from iPhone 7 and 7 Plus users who are experiencing serious issues with their new smartphone’s camera. So if your iPhone cam has been showing a black screen, generating strange tinted photos, or experiencing unfounded ‘overheating’ issues, you’re not alone.

The most recent complaint has gained some traction... more

Some iPhone 7 Plus owners are reporting camera issues including streaks of color on images, a completely black screen instead of an image preview, and a warning that the iPhone needs to cool down before the camera can be used (despite no signs of overheating). Some affected owners state Apple replaced their iPhone or, in some cases, just the camera module.

Reports of... more

2016 DPReview Readers' Best Shots: Places

Photo by Fred Gunnerson

Every Spring people come from all over to view and photograph the orchards in bloom. It only lasts a few weeks so you have to be ready when the rain stops. The bottom half of the photo is Oregon and the top... more

Peter Thoshinsky joined the San Francisco Police Department back in 1982. After serving as a cop for 31 years, his career in the department took a major turn: he became the official “historical photographer... more

A new Kickstarter campaign is looking to fund further development and production of the GearEye gear management system. GearEye uses inexpensive, battery-free adhesive RFID tags, which are attached to all your equipment. This enables photographers to make sure that they've got everything that they need in their gear bag when going to a shoot and that they don't... more

The folks over at the image tracking service Pixsy have released an infographic about the state of photo theft in 2016. As 64% of you have personally experienced, photo theft remains a serious and widespread problem in our... more
