Photography News

When I go to a photography exhibit or show, I find myself looking at similar work: photographs made from an inkjet printer that are just stylized archives. Be it a photo of a bird, a dress, a subject or event. Whatever it is, its just a photograph. A photograph that can be easily duplicated with the simple press of a button. A print on a piece of paper, nothing more, nothing less.

Where is the artists brush stroke? Where is the photographers unique thumbprint, aside from on top... more

Nikon dropped a couple of very troubling bombshells today. The first was a “Recognition of Extraordinary Loss” due to company-wide restructuring; the second was the cancellation... more

If World Press Photo assigned a theme to their annual competition, this year’s might have been “Tragedy.” Death, imminent death, fear, loss, painthese are the true subjects of... more

Nikon has officially put an end to the DL series. Announced just under a year ago, the three DL compacts would have had 1" sensors. Nikon missed its June target ship date, citing problems related to the image processor. Now, Nikon says that the development costs had become too great to continue. A statement released today also mentions... more

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OnePlus is a relatively new player in the mobile device market, but following the launch of the OnePlus One in 2014 it has very quickly gained a lot of momentum through a simple strategy: offer high-end hardware at mid-range prices.

The latest... more

One of the often recurring discussions among professional photographers is whether or not we should ever work for free. Ive been known to rail against those who do and against clients who request free pictures… so why did I recently waive my own rule?

A little background first: I describe myself as a corporate communications photographer working for businesses and organisations needing creative, high quality images for websites, brochures, press releases and so on.

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Now that the Internet is saturated with timelapse and drone videos, one of the next big frontiers may be combining the two. Timelapse photographer Artem Pryadko shows what’s possible in the gorgeous 2-minute... more

For years, airline pilots have reported seeing unusual lightning phenomenon that we don’t get to witness from the ground. Luckily for us, astronauts on the International Space Station have a perfect vantage point, and one of them did capture “blue lightning” while orbiting the Earth.

Back in 2015, ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen was tasked with taking photos and video over thunderstorms using the most sensitive camera on the ISS. The goal was to catch phenomena... more

If you enjoy seeing experimental photo projects and unique homemade cameras, check out this “Straw Camera.” It was created by filling a wooden box with 32,000 drinking straws for light to pass through.

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