Photography News

We’re just one day away from the official release of the DJI Mavic Pro and just over a week away from the GoPro Karma release. But if you’re still having trouble deciding between the two foldable drones, this infographic might help.

We already did a similar comparison of the two drones right here on PetaPixel, but if you... more

Marc Silber of Advancing Your Photography just released another insightful conversations with Ansel Adams’ son Michael Adams. This time around, they tackle Ansel’s famous book The Range of... more

Upscaling a photograph always means trading resolution for size. And while Photoshop’s “preserve details” scaling does a pretty good job, there’s a freeware program called “... more

Chris Hughes’ recent trip to Cuba was supposed to be yet another fun travel experience where he could see the local culture and capture some cool drone footage. But thanks to that drone, he instead spent 13 days in solitary confinement in a Cuban jail.

Hughes is a... more

Instagram Web upload is finally here! Okay not really… but it sort of is. As of today, Instagram is... more

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Leica and bag-maker ONA Bags have teamed up again, this time to launch a new premium lineup of exclusive camera bags called the ONA for Leica collection. This new lineup is composed of half a dozen camera bags that will be available solely through Leica... more

As we mentioned this morning, composition is one of the most critical aspects of photography. But another, equally important piece is understanding the basic laws of light and how to use them when capturing a photograph.

In this videopart one of a new educational seriesphotographer Jay P. Morgan of... more

Wedding photographer Leslie Hollingsworth captured this comical photo of the wedding party’s reaction as a car nearly took her out. In case you’ve ever wondered, this... more

Every great photograph consists of three key elements. First and foremost composition, then lighting and, of course, the moment. Look at any great image and youll notice these elements.

What part of the image caught your attention? More often than not, it will be the compositional structure that sets the scene. A poorly composed photo can make a fantastic subject dull, but a well-executed composition has the potential to turn an ordinary situation into... more

Our friend James McDaniel recently put Sony's premium stabilized telezoom to the test, first in low light shooting roller derby WFTDA Playoff action and later in daylight, shooting at base ISO. This lens features built-in image stabilization and uses a linear motor to acquire focus... more
