Photography News

The folks at Night Crew Labs just created something awesome. In March, they strapped a Sony a7S and an external recorder to a weather balloon, and launched it up to about 78,000 feet. From there, they captured what... more

A new device called Trophy Camera uses artificial intelligence to compare its own photographs with the world's most iconic images. During the comparison, Trophy Camera's AI looks for specific characteristics common in photographs that have won World Press Photo yearly since 1955. Photos that show at least a 90-percent positive correlation with these notable characteristics are then uploaded to the camera's... more

My name is Amy Shore, and I’m a UK-based photographer who mainly shoots car and motorbike related subjects. A few days ago, I asked all of my social media platforms what questions they wanted answered to do... more

Sundisc has launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter to fund production of its portable light shaper. The Sundisc is an ultra-portable softbox and reversible reflector in one and works with your DSLR's or mirrorless camera's flash gun. A... more

Filmmaker Jamie Scott made his name in the timelapse space with Fall, a Central Park timelapse of epic proportions that took 6 months of dedication to capture. And yet his followup timelapse, titled... more

Adobe is kicking off a new YouTube series of interviews with creatives of all kinds by talking with portrait photographer Lindsay Adler. It's worth a watch as Adler discusses how her style evolved to where it is now, including a side-by-side comparison of an image taken a few years ago with one made ten years prior at the start of her career. You can learn more about Adler's career in our... more

So far the only way of uploading an image to Instagram has been to use service's Android or iOS mobile apps. The mobile website only allowed for browsing, searching and liking of images and viewing of notifications. However, Instagram has made a major change, allowing users to... more

When you think “Postal Service” you probably don’t also think “super creative,” but the USPS just raised the bar on creative photo printing ideas. In celebration of the ultra-rare total eclipse the US is going to witness in August, they’ve created an eclipse stamp that features a hidden photo activated by body heat.

The stamp is the first of it’s kind. It was designed by art director... more

A top 50 image from 2016's Open contest by Jarrod Castaing

Panoramic photographers are being invited to enter images for the annual Pano Awards to compete for prizes from Epson and Nikon as well as $22,000 in cash. Running for its eighth year, the contest celebrates a wide range of panoramic photography and accepts pictures that have one edge at least twice the length of the other.

Images can be made from one capture or stitched from multiple frames, and can be recorded digitally or on... more

Portrait photographer Francisco Hernandez is back with a really useful tutorial on night portraits. If you’d like to start shooting some night portraits using off-camera flash, it would be a good idea to watch... more
