Photography News

Photo by Allison Johnson

After speaking with a bone-a-fide eclipse expert a few months ago, Ive been a proponent of not taking photos of the solar eclipse. So, on the morning of August 21st, 2017, I was on my way to the office with no plans to take pictures. I happened to have the Nikon D810 and AF-P 70-300mm at my side, but that was only because Id been... more

Yesterday, we shared what a total solar eclipse looks like to a weather balloon floating in near space. If you want to zoom out even more, check out this amazing video captured by a weather satellite from outer space.

The video, released by scientists at UWMadisons Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC), was captured by the GOES-16, one... more

I’m photographer Andrew Branch, and this is my 400 speed, 35mm black-and-white film guide. In this guide, I will be comparing every 400 ISO black and white film which is actively being produced and readily available to the U.S. market, that I know about.

Before we get into it, you should know that I am a film enthusiast, but a novice in every sense of the word. Experienced film shooters will likely find my film review a bit naive and maybe insufficient. Thats fine, Im not... more

Photographer Josh Rossi spent $1,500 last year turning his 3-year-old daughter into Wonder Woman, and... more

Want to see where and how one of the legends of photography processed their photos? Here’s a 14-minute video that takes us on a tour of Edward Weston’s darkroom (note: there’s brief nudity).

After visiting Weston’s home with his grandson Kim Weston, photographer Marc Silber of... more

A month ago, I got in touch with my old friends over at Little Boxes Theatera recreational performance art/photography studio in San Franciscoabout shooting a fun personal project. Since I love to fabricate things in my workshop for shoots, I asked if they'd be up for collaborating on something along those lines.

Aaron Simunovich (one of the studio managers), had a lot of experience woodworking, and threw out the idea of an inverted room. Without any doubts, I said something along the... more

Nikon D850

Nikon has formally announced its latest enthusiast DSLR the D850. Since the D850's development was announced earlier this year, speculation (fueled by the usual leaks) has been rife about the exact specifications of the new camera, but now it's official!

Offering 45.7MP capture at a maximum frame rate of 9 fps, with an autofocus system inherited from the D5, the... more

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For the past two weeks, sports photographer Andrew Hancock has been shooting with a pre-production model of the Nikon D850, putting it through its paces to see if there was anything... more

Astronomers using the ESO Very Large Telescope have created the most detailed photo ever of a star other than our own Sun. The subject of the photo is the supergiant Antares, visible to the unaided eye in the... more
