Photography News

PhotographerMark Duffyrecently switched from Canon to Fuji, trading in the former to pick up the latter, and in this 14-minute video he shares his thoughts and impressions.For those... more

Sony a6500 | 18-135mm F3.5-5.6 OSS @ 95mm | ISO 100 | F6.3

Being a child of the Midwest a hike, in my mind, is more or less walking across land that is mostly flat. There are trees, usually a dirt path, and maybe the occasional hill. A hike in Hawaii, I came to learn recently, can mean something vastly different.

I was in Hawaii on a Sony-sponsored trip along with a handful of... more

A Canon patent from October, 2017 resurfaced on the Canon rumor mill today, and it describes something pretty innovative from the Japanese camera giant. The patent shows a lens adapterostensibly designed for a mirrorless camerathat features a built-in variable-voltage ND filter.

The ND... more

Toronto-based photographer Adam Klekotka visited Niagara Falls earlier this month in freezing temperatures and was amazed by the look of the falls, which were illuminated by color lights that made the scene... more

My name is Lance Keimig, and I’m one of the instructors for National Parks at Night, a workshop program focused on night photography in national parks. All five of us instructors are primarily Nikon... more

Apollo 8 was the first manned mission to leave Earth’s orbit, orbit the Moon, and return to Earth. Since it wasn’t a moon landing, though, it tends to not be as celebrated as other manned moon missions. But the photo known as Earthrise was captured during this mission on December 24th, 1968, becoming an iconic piece of history. This 6-minute video from... more

The US Copyright Office has just announced new rules regarding the group registration of photographs. One of the biggest changes is the fact that only 750 unpublished photos can be registered at a time with each claim, when previously there was no limit. For photographers who regularly register extremely large batches of unpublished photos, copyright registration will soon be much more expensive.

The new final rule, titled “... more

Photographers in the USA wishing to register groups of images for copyright protection will find the process much simpler and easier starting on February 20th.

According to the US Copyright Office, modernized practices will let people register either published or unpublished work via a new on-line application system (no more paper applications...) that will allow you to... more

Dustin Dolby, the photographer behind the workphlo YouTube channel, is great at breaking down product photography into the simplest possible bits. By using Photoshop to mask together multiple exposures, he's able to capture professional looking product photos using extremely minimal gear.

In his latest episode, he shows how a single speedlight and some... more
