Photography News

PIXEO is a new app that aims to make it easier for photographers to find great photo locations nearby. Photographers view, navigate, and contribute to an ever-growing global map of spots that currently features 10,000... more

As a travel and landscape photographer, being on the road for a lot of time is nice, but I always try to be home during the tulip season. This isnt always easy as the exact timing of the blooming is always quite random.

Sometimes the tulip will show itself during April and sometimes you have to wait a bit til May. Theyre usually here for a period of 2 to 3 weeks depending on the weather. A safe bet is usually to visit at the end of April.

Most tourists go to our famous... more

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The Industrial arm of Danish camera manufacturer Phase One has launched an aerial camera that uses the worlds first backlit medium format sensor. It's called the iXM 100MP, and it's almost certainly the first camera to use... more

Editor's Note: This article was originally published with images sourced from the stock photography service Unsplash. Unsplashs business model has attracted some criticism from segments of the photography community, including among our readership. We have have reported on both sides of the controversy in recent months but given the strength of feeling among our community, we acknowledge that using images from Unsplash in this article was a poor decision, and they have been replaced.... more

Dave Morrowa well-respected outdoor photographer from outside Seattle, Washingtonhas shared a behind-the-scenes video detailing the gear hes taken on his latest photo expedition. The 20-minute video provides an insightful overview of the gear he packs with him in his vehicle and in his backpack during his two-month trip through Oregon, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho and California.

Per his rules to filming the videos for his '... more

Walter Jones is a former NFL player for the Seattle Seahawks who was voted into the Hall of Fame in 2014, his first year of eligibility. After years of dominating other athletes, Jones now has a new passion: documenting them: he’s now one of the largest sports photographers you’ll ever see on a sideline.

... more

Photographer and Nikon Israel Ambassador Roie Galitz was recently testing the new... more

Samsung Electronics has unveiled a new line of microSDHC/SDXC cards called PRO Endurance. The lineup features 32GB ($30), 64GB ($50), and 128GB ($100) options, each with up to 100MB/s read speeds and 30MB/s write speeds. The... more

Growth. Real, personal, soul-fulfilling, butterflies in the belly-inducing growth. Thats the key to my happiness; my personal metric for success. It doesnt matter what I achieve or how much of it I attained. I define myself as successful simply in the process of progress.

Abhor flatterers as you would deceivers; for both, if trusted, injure those who trust them Isocrates

Lately, I havent been doing much growing. Neither in my personal... more
