Photography News

In addition to releasing a host of new features and improvements across its Lightroom lineup, Adobe has also unveiled a new Technology Preview for Lightroom Mobile on iOS that allows you to capture simulated long exposure photos without a tripod.

iPhones and iPads aren’t actually able to capture exposures longer than 1/4th of a second, so... more

CineStill just announced a “holy grail” of film photography: a single-step monobath called... more

Adobe has just announced its June 2018 release of Lightroom CC, and one of the big features found in the update is preset and profile synchronization. It... more

Photographer Willis Chung was shooting in Yellowstone when he came across a solitary bison bull in the plains. As he walked parallel to the animal, photographing it from a safe distance (a minimum... more

A new batch paste option in Lightroom CC allows settings to be quickly synced across multiple images.

Adobe has announced a raft of updates across its suite of Creative Cloud apps, including Lightroom CC and Lightroom Classic CC.

For photographers, Lightroom CC receives the most substantial updates, which include easy synchronization of presets and profiles across all devices... more

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The dust and moisture-sealed FUJINON GF 45mm F2.8 R WR is a 36mm equivalent fast prime for Fujifilm's GFX 50S. Optical construction comprises 11 elements in eight groups, including one aspherical and two ED elements. But does all of this add up to great image quality?

Judge for yourself in our... more

Italian tripod manufacturer Manfrotto has released three new travel-friendly models as part of its latest Befree Advance line. The new tripods are the Befree Advanced Carbon, Befree Live Carbon, and the Befree GT.

... more

Video editing software package Video Pro X has received what is described as its biggest update yet, to mark ten years since Magix Video Pro was launched. Owner Magix says the update focuses on speed and performance, and includes new tools to make editors' lives easier.

Magix says that rendering HEVC/H.265 video can now done using the... more

In 2010, Canon revealed that it was developing the world's largest CMOS sensor, one measuring about 40 times larger than a full-frame CMOS sensor. The company has now added more details about the project to its website, including a discussion of a real-world application.

Whereas a 35mm full-frame sensor measures 36 x... more

The Chinese drone juggernaut DJI has outgrown its current headquarters and is now building a giant new complex for its future. The twin towers will also be... more
