Starting earlier this year with the Samsung Galaxy S24 launch, the companies behind the most popular smartphones seem to be dead-set on using AI features as selling points for new hardware. Much of it will be free to start with, but eventually everything comes with a cost.
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As part of our ongoing testing of Canon's EOS R5 II, we've been getting a sense of what its video looks like and how it's sampled from the camera's sensor.
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A woman who spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on home renovations had her insurance canceled after the company flew a drone over her house and cited unsanitary conditions.
Google and Meta made a secret deal to target Instagram ads to teenagers on YouTube -- breaking the search giants own rules against advertising to children.
A man has been fined $1,000 after a nearby wildlife videographer caught him illegally driving his 51-foot recreational vessel through a pod of orca, also known as killer whales.
A disabled bald eagle, Murphy, became a viral sensation last year after he raised an orphaned eaglet so it could be safely released in the wild. This year, the fatherly bird has raised yet another eaglet.