Elinchrom announced its first-ever continuous lighting solution: the LED 100C. Described as just the first product in a "new chapter" for the company, the new light is meant to combine professional-grade performance and compact portability.
Canon's EOS R1 is a very specialized camera designed for sports, wildlife, and photojournalism. But because its form factor is so appealing, many professional photographers have expressed interest in seeing a high-resolution version of the R1 released. Canon says that won't happen.
Carl De Keyzer made his name by capturing very real photographs from the Soviet Union, India, and the Belgian Congo. However, for his most recent project, De Keyzer swapped the camera for artificial intelligence imaging tools.
While Pinterest may not be an obvious platform for photographers, there are still plenty of them on there. For those shooters, they may want to take note of the recent news that the boards-based app will train AI models with user content.
Dutch startup LiveDrop is increasing the size of offline file transfers enabled by its app on mobile devices via special QR codes that dont require the two devices to connect to each other.
While visiting Dry Tortugas National Park, located 109km west of Key West, Florida, I looked down from the top of Fort Jefferson and saw this group of snorkelers just off Garden Key. Moments after this photo was taken, one of the snorkelers had the bad... more