Photography News

Following some trade show demos, Toshiba is officially introducing a new 16GB SDHC card with TransferJet technology. The card, which looks to be available in Japan only first, is able to wirelessly transfer photos and videos from a camera to a TransferJet-compatible device. Read more

If you’re a fan of both photography and the TV show How It’s Made, here’s a behind-the-scenes video that might be of interest to you. Rosco just released this 1-minute video showing how it creates its... more

Four years ago we were introduced to the olloclip on Kickstarter, and now the companys series of lenses are some of the most popular lenses available for Apples iPhone. And olloclip isnt just stopping there. Recently, the company announced... more

It’s like deja-vu, all over again. A month after a fan photographer caused a horrible crash at Italy’s top bike race, another DSLR shooter has caused a crash at the British National Road Race Championships.

The man was using a DSLR and a telephoto lens on Sunday, photographing the cyclists with one foot in the cobbled Lincoln road. When cyclist... more

We had been shooting around with a pre-production version of the Fujifilm X-T10 for some time and recently got in a final version of the camera. Like the flagship X-T1, it uses Fujifilm's 16MP X-Trans APS-C sensor, which is known for producing pleasing colors. As such, we included a variety of out-of-camera JPEGs as well as Raw conversions. See the gallery

Image histograms are useful tools that can be used to help properly gauge the exposure and contrast within a scene during shooting or to balance the tonality of a photograph in post-production. These days, histogram graphs can be found almost everywhere, with more modern digital cameras including live displays during composition. Todays primer focuses on how to correctly read histograms and use them to your advantage.

An image histogram is a graph that plots the tonal... more

My photography journey started a little differently from most because I was going into it with a handicap right off the bat. It was always a thought that I may not be able to make this work, and that I’d fail miserably, and nobody wants that. From birth, Ive had a disability that youd think would make me the last person to get into photography: Im legally blind.

I was born with underdeveloped eyes and cataracts. When I was a few months old, they removed the lenses... more

Though it has much in common with the X-T1 in terms of image quality, starting with its 16MP X-Trans APS-C sensor and EXR Processor II, the X-T10 presents a very different shooting experience. We've updated our Fujifilm X-T10 first impressions with some thoughts on using the camera in the field. Read more

It’s hard to look at the Fujifilm X-T10 without thinking of the company’s success with the X-T1. Essentially, the X-T10 is a baby X-T1 with its identical 16.3 X-Trans CMOS II sensor, DSLR body style, and real-time 2.360K-dot OLED EVF. Of course, for nearly $400 less than the X-T1, we’re expecting there to be a few compromises with the X-T10. Join us as we take a closer look at Fujifilms newest camera to see whether it is worth the price tag.

When taking... more

Chinese restaurants are known to have painfully bad food photos adorning the walls to show the different dishes offered, but what if the style were intentional and an artistic decision by the photographers? The comedy sketch group Faster Human recently decided to explore this idea... more
