Photography News

What happens when you screen-cap and re-post a photo to Instagram 90 times? Artist Pete Ashton's 'Sitting In Stagram' project shows just that - and it's not pretty. Read more

Wedding photographer Sean Cook captured his “strangest photo” a few weeks ago while shooting at a wedding in Chicago. At the exact moment of the bride and groom’s first kiss, a bridesmaid (the groom’s sister) fainted. The newlyweds now have a “first kiss”... more

Leica M rangefinders have a reputation of being extremely durable, and one Chinese photographer recently found out first hand just how much abuse the cameras can take. He accidentally dropped his Leica M9 off a hotel balcony, and instead of the fall breaking the camera, the camera broke the ground.

The photographer, who goes by the username... more

Have you ever wondered if you were getting the best performance out of Adobes Photoshop Creative Cloud? Depending on your particular workflow and individual needs, your favorite image editing software can be tweaked and adjusted for optimal performance. Today, we are taking a look at some of the settings available in Photoshop to get you running more efficiently on your personal computer.

To begin, start by opening Photoshop CCs Performance Preference window. If you are... more

With a little bit of patience and a whole lot of luck, I was able to capture this photograph of myself perched on a rock above the Pacific Ocean. When I set out to photograph the annual famed Perseids Meteor Shower last week, I had a specific goal of capturing a “selfie” photograph with myself in frame and hopefully a meteor streaking overhead (along with a variety of other images throughout the evening). My hope turned into reality in the wee hours of Wednesday morning.... more

In the summer time at Scott Base in Antarctica, there are 4 months in which the Sun never sets. From the latter part of October through the latter part of February, the Sun stays above the horizon line, giving each day 24 hours of sunlight.

New Zealand filmmaker Anthony Powell... more

What memory cards perform the best with the Canon 5DS’s 50.6 megapixel photos? To find out, Camera Memory Speed recently tested 75 different CF and SD cards with the camera to see which ones would come out on top.

Examining 57 SD cards and 18 CF... more

If you want to experience what it’s like to shoot as a combat photographer, but don’t want to actually risk getting shot at, you can look into photographing war reenactments. Lucas Ryan is a photographer who shoots reenactments, and last year he covered... more

Focal Camera is an open source project designed to teach participants about the inner workings of a camera. With access to a laser cutter, a supply of 3mm plywood and the directions provided, you can be well on your way to creating a camera of your own. Read more

Canon has taken the main DSLR awards for the best products of the year as voted by the prestigious European Imaging and Sound Association. The EOS 7D Mark ll won 'European Prosumer DSLR Camera' while the EOS 5DS/5DS R won the award for 'European Professional DSLR Camera'. Read more
