Photography News

A serendipitous photograph of a badger looking up at a graffiti of a gun-toting badger has won the Wildlife Photographer of the Year People's Choice Award 2024.

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As Leica celebrates the 100th anniversary of the legendary Leica I 35mm camera, the company has been busy doing many collaborations. The latest is not for teddy bears or jewelry, but instead for a very nice, albeit pricey, Shackleton field jacket.

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Sony updated its Creators' Cloud platform and accompanying Creators' App to streamline content management for photographers and videographers. The new update enables direct upload from certain Sony cameras to Google Drive or Adobe Lightroom.

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The Professional Photographers of America (PPA) is facing a leadership crisis. Based on a recap of the organization's annual meeting yesterday, February 3, at Imaging USA, the situation has worsened, at least for some members.

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Image: Sony

Sony is updating its app and cloud platform to give users more options for getting their photos from their cameras onto the cloud. You can now make it so your... more

A new app called Unpro Camera says it strips away all of the processing typically applied by an iPhone to produce unprocessed-looking photos that the developer says look "astonishingly natural."

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The Photo Brussels festival has embraced AI images by showcasing artists who use the controversial medium to tell stories in much the same way real photographers do.

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Fashion brand Balenciaga has used paparazzi images from the early 2000s and digitally altered the images for its latest campaign.

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Just a couple of weeks after showcasing the 21 young photographers aiming to win the Student and Youth competitions in the acclaimed Sony World Photography Awards, the World Photography Organisation today unveiled the contest's National and Regional Award winners, showcasing the best work from 56 different countries and... more

This week, Reflx Lab announced that it would soon no longer be able to offer some of its respooled 35mm motion picture stock because Kodak is more strictly "crack[ing] down" on respoolers. So, why is Kodak forfeiting the extra money made by selling to brands like Reflx Lab?

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