Photography News

Irving Penn (link is external) is either the best or second best portrait photographer of all time. Depending on the day, hes either ahead of or behind Richard Avedon. At least thats what I think.

Mr. Penns resume is stacked, to... more (link is external)

I did it. The photo I have had in my mind for almost two years was finally taken, and Im proud of the result. Liv Johanne and Rune became (what I believe to be) the first couple to get their wedding photos taken at Himakn, Norway.

Himakn is a rock formation in Norway that has become very famous recently, especially after some exposure in the national media. It is now marketed as “Lille Trolltunga”, or Little Troll Tongue, because of its resemblance to... more (link is external)

One of the most talked about photos in the ongoing immigration debate has been Getty Images photographer John Moore’s iconic photo of a 2-year-old Honduran girl crying (link is external) at the feet of her mother and a border patrol agent. It has become a symbol in the debate over family separations, but it has now come to light that the girl was never... more (link is external)

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One of the biggest appeals of buying cameras, lenses and accessories online may no longer be around. As reported by the NY Times (link is external), the United States Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, has ruled states can now demand retailers... more (link is external)

Photographer and astronomer Juan Carlos Munoz (link is external) was browsing a flea market in Santiago, Chile, a few days ago when he stumbled across some crystal balls. He bought one for a few dollars and then decided to use... more (link is external)

Camera gear is about to get more expensive for most online shoppers in the United States. The Supreme Court just ruled that states may force online retailers to collect sales tax on their behalf. While Amazon already does this — it has a “nexus” in every state — camera gear giants like B&H and Adorama will now have to follow suit.

In its 5-4 ruling against a coalition of online retailers (Newegg, Overstock, Wayfair), the justices reversed an earlier... more (link is external)

“Great photos! You must have a great camera!” If you take your craft seriously, the odds of having heard these words are quite high. Audiences associate good images with great cameras, and for the longest time this (almost) accusation has bothered photographers who felt their skills were downplayed. But the interesting bit is that were walking towards making the great cameras = great photos equation true! And they fit in your pocket.

Speaking of great cameras,... more (link is external)

A popular Instagram user based in Singapore has been caught passing stock images off as his own work. Daryl Aiden Yow, who has worked with many recognizable brands, was called out by Mothership (link is external), which highlighted a dozen examples of work he presented as his own. Following the report's publication, Mothership noted that Yow began deleting some images from his Instagram account and adding credits to others... more (link is external)

With its stand-alone IGTV video app Instagram had a big product announcement this week, but at the launch event in San Francisco the company had another milestone to talk about: after surpassing 800 million active users last September, Instagram has now reached the 1... more (link is external)

For about a year and a half, every time I opened my fridge I saw my last remaining 10 exposure pack of Fuji FP 100C instant film (link is external), and every time I opened said fridge I was reluctant to take it out and shoot it. I did not want to waste my last remaining packfilm but I knew I shouldnt wait too long, because eventually the chemistry inside the film would dry. And... more (link is external)
