Photography News

Ive been thinking about photography and personal style and the different ways to teach it. Im trying to help, share and guide people along their way in finding their unique photographic style. Seeing if I can find that quick fix, that beaten path someone else has already made for us. Sadly over the many years of reflection and research, Ive found that there is no blue pill.

Coming to terms with this, Ive been looking inwards on how I found my own style. Ive been sharing my... more

Leica has released new firmware for five of its camera models, making significant changes to the way existing features operate while also adding totally new functions in some cases. The updates effect the M10 rangefinder, the Q compact and the new CL, as well as the TL2 and the T/TL.

The highlights of the update include allowing four minute exposure times in the M10 at base ISO, and the addition of aperture value recording in the cameras EXIF data even though it will be an estimate. Q... more

For some time now Ive wanted to do a project which follows the light over this period. The longest day. The shortest night. To sit in one spot and photograph a simple composition of sea and sky as the light changed.

I knew that I wanted to shoot looking north, I didnt want the sun in any of the images and also it had to be on a cliff above the sea with a clear, empty horizon. There were a few spots that I thought of — the north of Lewis, Durness/Cape Wrath, or the... more

This is the story and all the messy details of how I lost my photography business’ 8-year-old website at Bludomain, a hosting service “for the creative professional.”

Last week was busy! Along... more

Right now is the best time ever to be a photographer, so why all the long faces?

  • Professional level cameras are selling for less than what we paid for one in 1980.
  • Lower priced lenses are so much better than they used to be it is astounding.
  • You can do all your development in the light, in a chair, without breathing life-threatening chemistry.
  • There are more possible ways to show your finished work than you can list at any given time.
  • A $1,... more

The SD Association has released the name and official specifications for SD Express, the latest Secure Digital (SD) memory card format, as part of its SD 7.0 specification. Created as a successor to UHS-III cards, SD Express is next-next-gen interface technology that will work alongside a new SDUC card type to provide fast, high-capacity memory cards in a familiar package.

As the... more

“The Sound of Silence” is a series by Chilean street photographer Eduardo Asenjo Matus, who uses long exposures to show people in flow of the city.

Matus started out studying... more

Want to learn how to create a “flying food” photo without actually making food travel through the air? Food photographer Skyler Burt of... more

Iceland is booming. More than 2 million tourists visit Iceland every year. This comes as no surprise. As I am regularly guiding tours in Iceland, I have visited the country quite a few times over the years and the beauty of the country is simply out of this world. The moment you step out of Reykjavik is the moment you enter some a fantasy movie with beautiful scenery on every corner.

For people who have not visited Iceland yet, here are a bunch of images that just might... more

2018 National Geographic Travel Photographer of the Year winners

Nature 1st Place and Grand Prize winner
Photo and Caption by Reiko Takahashi / National Geographic Travel Photographer of the Year Contest | ... more
