Photography News

Sony recently announced the RX100 VI, the newest addition to its compact camera line. With six iterations of the RX100 series now in circulation, how does this new model stand out from the rest? Chris and Jordan take the camera for a spin and tell us what they think about the new, longer lens, the updated viewfinder and more. They even manage to fit in some well earned hammock time in the process.

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Just this past week, the European Parliaments Committee on Legal Affairs approved amendments to EUs Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market, which... more

Adobe’s software has been widely used for many years now as a tool to create fake photos, but now the company is developing software for the other side: it’s using AI to spot photo manipulations to aid in the war against fake photos.

In addition to using Photoshop for good, “some people use these powerful tools to ‘doctor’ photos for deceptive purposes,” Adobe... more

Here’s a 16.5-minute video by OWL BOT in which photographer... more

Lomography is crowdfunding its latest film camera, the Diana Instant Square. According to the company, this is the first Instax-compatible camera with a hot-shoe mount and support for interchangeable lenses. Lomography designed this model to work with any of the lenses compatible with the Diana F+, as well as Fujifilm Instax Square film packs.

The new Diana Instant Square camera features a selfie mirror, detachable viewfinder, film counter, an unlimited multiple exposure mode, a bulb... more

Its becoming harder to get the entire image sharp with the constantly wider lenses and more extreme foregrounds that are used in todays photography. Even optimal apertures arent enough to get both the foreground and background as sharp as desired. That doesnt mean that its impossible, though. Focus stacking for sharper images has become a go-to technique for photographers of all levels to achieve images that are sharp all the way through.

What is Focus Stacking?

Focus stacking is... more

The rotors on camera drones can do serious damage to human flesh if the two come in contact. Researchers are working on a new flesh sensor that would stop a rotor so fast that an approaching finger can be spared from harm.... more

Microsoft today announced a new AI-powered Visual Search function for its Bing search engine that will pretty much directly compete with Google Lens. Visual Search will let users search the web and shop online through pictures they have taken or... more

Decades before the word “selfie” exploded into popular culture, NASA astronaut Buzz Aldrin shot the first space selfie while on a spacewalk during the Gemini 12 mission on November 12, 1966.

The 88-year-old Aldrin himself reminded the world of that fact on Wednesday in a Twitter exchange.

I would have loved to see... more
