Photography News

Cal Thomson of Manchester, UK, made this 11-minute video tutorial on creating a time-lapse video that transitions seamlessly from day to night. He covers everything from camera settings and shooting the photos to editing and creating the time-lapse in... more

Alien Skin Software plans to release a new 'nondestructive' photo editing application called Exposure X by the end of the year. Exposure X will include several changes over Exposure 7, including improvements to the user interface, file management tools, and new keyboard shortcuts. Read more

Is TIME screwing photographers? Answer: Yes. But what are you going to do about it?

John Harrington, photographer and author of... more

For almost a century, one of the largest buildings in the Southeastern United States has maintained a dominating street presence in Atlanta, Georgia.

Ponce City Market was originally built in 1925 as a Sears, Roebuck & Co. distribution and retail center which... more

We've been producing more video content than ever before, including tons of content from our recent PIX show, our ongoing series of long-form Field Tests, overviews of the latest cameras and lenses, as well beginners' technique guides and interviews. We post videos right here on our homepage when they're first uploaded, but the best way of not missing anything is to subscribe to DPReview's channel on YouTube.... more

Danish nature photographer Morten Hilmer spent two years of his adult life serving in his country’s special forces. While patrolling in Northeast Greenland, he braved -50 C temperatures and drove over 10,000 km in a dogsled. The experience would prove invaluable in his photography career.

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Before the introduction of color film, Many photographers experimented with ways to record color images using black and white mediums. One of the more famous examples comes from Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky and his photos of Russia from the early 1900s.

Prokudin-Gorsky took three black and white exposures behind red, green, and blue color filters that could later be combined into a... more

As far as advanced fixed-lens compacts go, it doesn't get much more enticing than the Sony RX1R II. Like its predecessor, it couples a full-frame sensor with a fast, wide-angle prime, but this time it's equipped with a 42.2MP chip to complement its 35mm F2 lens. We were pretty darn excited to get outdoors with the RX1R II and see what it can do. Read more

Baseball pitching legend Randy Johnson made an appearance at the NFL game between the Seattle Seahawks and the San Francisco 49ers this past weekend. After receiving the honor of raising the team’s 12 flag as the special celebrity guest, Johnson didn’t step... more

The benefits of shooting film sometimes, unfortunately, get lost amid the playground fight between film and digital devotees. The plus points and believe me there are plenty get drowned out.

Thats a shame for two reasons. Photography is a personal passion, and each person gets into their particular style of photography due to deeply individual reasons; its not that different to the way we fall in love with the music we do (and I was a music journalist for 20 years, so Ive had... more
