Photography News

I am addicted to G.A.S. (Gear Acquisition Syndrome). I always want to buy new stuff — the newest iPad (Epic), cars (Mustang), phone (iPhone 6s or Nexus 6P), clothes (hipster $200+ raw denim), coffee makers ($500+), and tons of other stuff in my Amazon gift list. Here are some practical tips that have helped me (partially) combat G.A.S.

#1. Let someone else control your credit card

My partner, Cindy, and I recently combined credit cards and finances. Now she watches all of... more

If you can carve 20 minutes out of your day, check out this fantastic lecture that was recently given by award-winning photojournalist Michael Goulding at... more

Earlier this month, we shared how a Sikh man named Veerender Jubbal was misidentified as a Paris attack terrorist after someone maliciously Photoshopped a selfie he took. A similar thing just happened to a Moroccan woman.

Nabila Bakkatha was misidentified by major media outlets as Hasna Ait Boulahcen, the terrorist suspect who died in a suicide vest explosion a week... more

VSCO‘s popular film simulation software for Lightroom and Photoshop just saw a massive price cut. Instead of price tags of up to $119 for each pack of filters, the price has been halved for each pack, so you can pick up any of them for just $59.

“In celebration of four years of creativity and... more

As announced on Friday, Panasonic has just released new firmware that enables a post-capture refocusing feature in some of its cameras that run 4K video on a Micro Four Thirds sensor. We got hold of a pre-release copy of the firmware and have been able to try it out on the Lumix DMC-GX8 body. Read more

Lytro, maker of the ILLUM light field camera, has announced an update to its Lytro Desktop software. The application used to edit Lytro's 'Living Pictures' in which focus can be selected after capture now allows for exposure, saturation and color edits to specific areas of an image based on depth. Read more

Photographer Dave Cross has been a well-known Photoshop educator since 1990. Today, he just launched a new stock photo service called... more

Like other shorebirds, western grebes do not go by the human calendar or clock to tell them when to start their new family. They merely go by their instinct relying on the weather cycle. Based on human calendar, the breeding season typically starts around April through end of July and by late August through October. During these period, you can find the adult pairs carrying their young(s) on their back.

Here’s one of my biggest tips for photographing shorebirds: get low.... more

A couple of weeks ago, we shared an endearing video by a rural Irishman who accidentally spent an entire Las Vegas vacation with his son’s GoPro camera pointed backwards at himself instead of out at the world. That video went wildly viral and has since been viewed over 8 million times.

Well, the Las Vegas-based shoe retailer Zappos decided to do a shot-for... more

Canon's new EF 35mm F1.4L USM II lens has some pretty big shoes to fill. Its older brother, now on the market for 17 years, has become both a benchmark and a staple of many a pro Canon shooter's kit. We've had the Mark II version for a few days, and we've spent that time shooting some environmental portraits, landscapes and lots more in between. Read more... more
