Photography News

Leica is getting serious about hip photographic fashion accessories. Earlier this month, Leica USA unveiled an $840 lighter, $840 pen, and $175 keychain. Now, Leica Russia is getting in on the action as well: the company has launched pendants and cufflinks that are faithful replicas of Leica camera shutter speed dials.

The new collection was created... more

Did you know you can shoot aerial photos and videos by putting a stabilized camera on a boomerang? Victor Poulin of Boomerangs by Vic recently attached a... more

Photographer Mathieu Stern found an interesting way to shoot digital photos through the plastic lens of a 1950s toy camera. After removing the back of a Photax Heanar Type V camera, he simply strapped it to the front of his Sony a7II using rubber bands.

The results are... more

A 68-year-old UK man has won a lawsuit against Apple after having his precious photos accidentally deleted during a repair visit to the company’s Regent Street Apple Store in London.

Deric White claims that he took his iPhone 5 to the store last December after receiving an error notification, the... more

Fujifilm's XF 35mm F2 strikes an appealing balance between size, cost and durability. It's sealed against moisture and dust, making it a great candidate for use with the weather-resistant X-T1, and at $399 is a fairly affordable 'normal' prime for Fuji's X-system. The Pacific Northwest is just the place to test... more

No, this is not a con, or a trick, or just simply an attention grabbing headline on an article that reveals absolutely nothing on what it promised! There really is one thing that will make you the best. And the really great thing about it is that it is really simple — it doesn’t require loads of money and can be applied by everyone.

I wont drag it on or build it up anymore, as you probably already know what it is: it’s practice!

Yeah, everyone... more

After months of development, artist Kelli Anderson has created a new pop-up book titled “... more

GIMP has announced version 2.9.2 of its popular free and open source image editing software. Included in the research is 16-bit and 32-bit per color channel processing and a number of other features and upgrades.

The software makes use of GEGL, GIMP... more

Robert Hurt might just have the coolest job in the galaxy. He's a visualization scientist with NASA, helping to interpret research data from space telescopes and NASA missions into photography. In short, he helps reveal the hidden universe that exists beyond the realm of human vision. In his PIX 2015 talk, he shares his insight on how his images are created and what kinds of things we can hope to discover when the unseen world becomes visible.... more
