Photography News

As 2015 winds to an end, here’s a look back at the 10 posts that received the most views.

#10: Richard Prince Selling Other Peoples Instagram Shots Without Permission for $100K (link is external)

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Artist Richard Prince sparked huge... more (link is external)

Lenticular prints use an array of lenses to cause an image to change before your eyes as you view them from different angles. Scientists have now figured out how to do a “changing photo” trick without lenses using an inkjet printer and metallic sheets.

The technique was discovered by scientists at the Swiss university cole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne. They found that by printing inkjet photos onto a metallic sheet in a certain way, they can print entirely... more (link is external)

If you’re ever shooting around emus, be sure to keep your camera bag at a safe distance. Photographer Arnhem Peterson (link is external) put his camera backpack on the ground while photographing goats recently, and an emu wandered over and mistook the camera bag for a suitable mate.

Emu can grow... more (link is external)

I recently shot a series of snowy portraits… inside my studio. This shoot was originally just intended to be for my own Christmas card, The idea was to do something fun, dreamy, and Christmas-related (with a Santa hat and fun poses) that I could send to friends, family and clients. As the year was coming to an end, a fun photo shoot was very welcomed. And, ironically, we didn’t have snow at this point in Brussels, which is very unusual.

A... more (link is external)

The federal drone registration system (link is external) officially opened this week, and the FAA says that over 45,000 owners have already registered their drones. At the same time, there have been reports of glitches that may have exposed customer information to strangers.

The FAA posted... more (link is external)

Of the 6 existing Polaroid 20×24-inch cameras, one has long been in the possession of Cambridge, Massachusetts-based portrait photographer Elsa Dorfman (link is external). After more than 3 decades of... more (link is external)

Sigma CEO Kazuto Yamaki has done quite a good job at boosting his brand’s reputation in the world of photography over the past few years, as the company’s Art series of lenses has drawn rave reviews for their optical quality, solid build, and relative affordability.

In a new interview, Yamaki shared a bold prediction about the future of the camera industry: he believes that Sony will emerge as the major player.

Taiwanese website... more (link is external)
