Photography News

If youre interested in taking your photography business to the next level, you do not want to miss out on the newest photography workshop hitting the industry:

Lea Clark: Showing American Girls how to live their Photography Dreams.

According to her most recent write-up... more

Kenko Tokina has announced a new ultra-wide zoom lens for Canon and Nikon crop sensor cameras. The new Tokina AT-X 14-20mm f/2 PRO DX has a 35mm equivalent focal range of 22-32mm on Canon APS-C cameras and 21-30mm on Nikon ones.

The lens has a large, fixed f/2.0 aperture that lets you keep your ISO low and shutter speed fast when shooting in low light environments.

It features a plastic aspherical lens for “improved surface accuracy” and anti-reflection thanks... more

When the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve in the capital city of Lima, Peru, things get crazy. People shoot fireworks high into the sky from the streets and from the roots of buildings, creating a spectacular light show.

Photographer Jeff Cremer was in Lima this year and... more

NHL photographers are getting a little too involved in the action these days through the little hole in the rink glass that they shoot through. A week after a photographer dropped his lens hood through the glass and had it confused as a puck by the players, a photographer has accidentally injured a player by being a little careless with his lens.

The incident... more

When Devin Allen says that photography saved his life, he means it in a very real sense. He describes himself as 'the oddball walking around with a camera' in his home of West Baltimore. A 26-year-old amateur photographer with aspirations to make a career out of his work, he has become a viral sensation. His images of protests in Baltimore have amassed thousands of likes and have been shared by international media organizations around the world, including landing the cover of Time... more

The dangerous practice of rooftopping photography has claimed yet another victim, this time in New York City. 24-year-old Conner Cummings was killed yesterday after climbing the Four Seasons Hotel in Midtown Manhattan and then falling from the 52-story building.

The... more

Kenko Tokina has launched the Tokina AT-X 14-20mm F2 Pro DX lens for Canon and Nikon DSLRs with APS-C sensors. That's equivalent to 21-30mm on Nikon bodies and 22-32mm on Canons.

This ultra-wide zoom has a pair of super low dispersion elements in the back and a plastic aperhical element in the second group that promise to reduce... more

Microsoft has launched a new camera app for iPhones that’s designed to help you take the perfect selfie. It’s called... more

Back in 2013, we shared the work of photographer Richard Gottardo, who spent months in the Rocky Mountains hunting and photographing northern lights. Now, 2 years and 6,500+... more

The first time I sketched a photo was in 2011. It had never crossed my mind before that. Up until then I had never really needed it. I was five years into a business and new ideas had always come pretty easily.

Everybody always says that the first 5 years of owning a business are the hardest. Creatively, I think theyre the easiest. Theres a reckless abandon that comes with having no idea what youre doing.

About 5 years in I realized that I needed to try a bit harder if I... more
