Photography News

We shared back in November 2015 that David Beckham’s 16-year-old son, Brooklyn, is considering pursuing a career in photography (link is external) rather than follow in his father’s footsteps in the world of soccer.

Well, Brooklyn just took a huge step in that direction: he was hired to shoot a Burberry campaign this weekend.

Burberry commissioned the young photographer... more (link is external)

The China National Space Administration, China’s NASA equivalent, has just published a new set of high-definition true color photos of the Moon’s surface. They were captured by cameras on the Yutu rover, which traveled to the Moon on the Chang’e 3 spacecraft back in December 2013.

There’s a large collection of images that you can browse through and download... more (link is external)

Here’s a music video that took quite a bit of planning and endurance for a photographer to shoot. Created for the song “A Carta” by the rapper V1RUZ, it’s one continuous hyperlapse through the city of Lisbon, Portugal, that comprises 5210 photos shot over the course of a 25-hour marathon shoot.

Photographer... more (link is external)

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You really can't tell whether a camera is any good just by looking at it. Some people do indeed think that they can, but they will be people who admit quite openly that they know nothing about cameras. To those unfamiliar with the market, and the reasons we need different body shapes, some cameras will simply look more 'professional' than others. And bigger cameras will... more (link is external)

One of the big stories in the photo world this past weekend was the fact that Nikon Singapore selected a clearly Photoshopped image (link is external) as the winner of a recent contest. After a wave of relentless mockery from photographers around the world, both Nikon and the winning photographer have since apologized for what happened.

In case you missed in: this... more (link is external)

Readers' Showcase: Christopher Michel (link is external)

Sunrise over Bagan, 2012. Photo by Christopher Michel

It's telling that DPR regular Christopher Michel corresponded with me about this piece while he was en route to Antarctica. He considers freelance photography his third career, one that has taken him to the proverbial ends of the earth and beyond... more (link is external)

My name is Tavis Leaf Glover, and Im an artist just like you, trying to create art that I can be proud of and share with the world. Though, something really hindered me in the beginning… the Rule of Thirds.

I want to shed some light on the Rule of Thirds Myths weve all been forcefully spoon fed during our creative infancy, which continues to linger as our compositions mature.

Perhaps we can change the future of art together if we help other artists abandon the rule... more (link is external)

If you’re closely following the 2016 US presidential race, here’s a blast from the past that may be interesting to you: these are photos of the major candidates from their teen years.

Someone gathered together (link is external) a set of early snapshots and yearbook photos of the presidential hopefuls... more (link is external)

One of the world’s most popular cameras may be about to get a huge leap in tech and quality: a new report says that Apple is planning to introduce dual rear cameras in its upcoming iPhone 7 Plus.

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